Sherri Robbins

Amigos de los Ríos (AMIGOS) is committed to protecting and restoring open space in the urban environment, and combating public health issues exacerbated by a lack of green infrastructure in East County Los Angeles. Since AMIGOS was founded in 2003, we have specialized in the development and implementation of multi-purpose, state-of-the-art parks in park-deficient neighborhoods. Our parks are informed by community needs and local cultural heritage, and by the latest low-impact development (LID) landscape practices. AMIGOS park projects use green infrastructure methodologies, such as on-site water filtration, bioswales, and low-water-use irrigation, as well as drought-tolerant and native-plant landscaping to conserve water, protect biodiversity and our natural resources. AMIGOS provides knowledge, skills, and leadership in the following areas: • Designing, planning and implementation of urban green infrastructure, including innovative, sustainable neighborhood parks • Developing community partnerships and organizing community action programs • Conservation of open and natural spaces within the metropolitan region – Learn more about the Emerald Necklace • Efficiently utilizing funding for green infrastructure projects, including sustainability planning • Promoting community involvement in all aspects of project planning, design, and development • Curriculum creation for K-12 and family-oriented environmental education programs • Developing vocational green collar training certification programs In many instances, AMIGOS-designed urban parks serve as prototypes for the next generation of public parks and open spaces in our area. In addition, they are discrete elements of a larger vision: an unbroken network of parks and connecting nature trails and bike paths that stretches from the San Gabriel Mountains to the Sea – our vision’s name – The Emerald Necklace.