Elizabeth Hartman

Website: https://books.google.com/books?id=ZaooAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA812&lpg=PA812&dq=elizabeth+hartman+guard+insurance&source=bl&ots=92e6mgyyvU&sig=ACfU3U1Brbd-32X0xGRWDLN3LbuZWRdgxA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjf5LeX1f_fAhXGGDQIHd7SDJMQ6AEwDXoECBkQAQ Elizabeth Hartman of Guard Insurance has worked in her present role of the Assistant Vice President of Marketing in New York since late 2018. At the beginning of her career, Ms. Hartman worked for Citigroup for seventeen years in various marketing roles before moving onto AIG as the Assistant Vice President of Direct Marketing. Elizabeth stayed in this role for nine years and facilitated multiple marketing campaigns. After leaving AIG in 2018, Elizabeth Hartman moved to Berkshire Hathaway Guard Insurance. Elizabeth Hartman of Guard Insurance has an expansive knowledge of credit instruments, marketing campaigns, brand strategies, and an intense passion for developing solid customer relationships.