Feed the Future Inc.

We developed a program called “E-Dinner” that we are confident can be used to help feed the 48 million Americans who are hungry on a regular basis, with several other ancillary benefits, including a drastic reduction of food waste, a reduction in greenhouse gases! A patent for this proprietary program is currently being sought and is now in a pending status with the U.S. Patent Office. The following is a broad brush outline of E-Dinner. It is undeniable that there exists massive over-preparation of food by food purveyors in the United States to the extent that there will always be excess food to be “recovered” from food purveyors wherever they are serving food (restaurants, grocery stores, arenas/stadia/sports teams, schools at all levels, federal/state/local building cafeterias, military bases, National Parks, food concessionaires, food banks, etc.). Recovering that excess food is now and has always been the most difficult part of the “food waste/redirection" problem. Specifically, how can that excess be retrieved and placed into the hands of the hungry for consumption while reducing the single largest component of waste sent to America's landfills-- food waste?