IAFGG Symposium

The IAFGG (International Association of Facial Growth Guidance) Symposium is a conference for Dentists and Orthodontics is about Dentists and Orthodontists and their team members gaining understanding about the long-term impact of traditional orthodontic recommendations, seeing how Biobloc Orthotropics® differs from traditional orthodontic treatments for kids and can help you create the corrective results that you, your young patients & their parents really want, minimizing those all too familiar “headgear effect” moments….that’s when the braces come off and the patient, parents (and you) realize that the result is flawed and the uncomfortable conversation starts, meeting other Dentists and Orthodontists who have made Biobloc Orthotropics® a part of their treatment protocol, giving a treatment goal that goes beyond straight teeth to balanced faces, healthy airways and broad smiles that are complete to the corners of the mouth, and much more.