Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces hCG Diet Plans for Those Suffering from Abuse-Related Weight Gain

LogoProviding patients with their best weight loss is the ultimate goal for the Diet Doc team of weight management professionals. But, aside from educating patients on how to lose weight fast and effectively, Diet Doc’s hCG diets also provide patients, who have gained weight because of uncontrollable factors like abuse during childhood like bullying, more control over their lives by achieving their best weight loss. While not directly capable of dealing with the underlying factors of weight gain derived from earlier abuse, Diet Doc's hCG diet plans are however capable of providing life-changing weight loss while changing long term eating habits related to a lifetime of weight gain.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces New hCG Diet Plans Capable of Helping Patients Avoid Painful Obesity Related Osteoarthritis

LogoOsteoarthritis is one of the most common joint disorders and has been directly linked to obesity. Carrying excess weight affects weight bearing joints, especially the knees, with studies revealing that knee osteoarthritis is approximately 4-5 times more common in overweight people as compared to people of normal body weight. In earlier years, joint replacement was not an option for obese patients, especially for those that were very obese. The Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center houses this and a lot more information on the benefits of weight loss for the prevention of Arthritis. Diet Doc has recently improved their hCG diet plans to provide more effective weight loss, capable of relieving symptoms of osteoarthritis.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans: Patients Lose Weight Fast and Overcome Workplace Challenges That Lead to Weight Gain and Obesity

LogoIn a study released this week by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, researchers found that where an individual works can have serious consequences for the employee’s overall health and well-being. Specifically, employees in the transportation and manufacturing industries had the highest obesity ratings among a group of 14 industries surveyed including health care industries, executives and construction. While many factors contribute to the obesity epidemic Americans are facing today, this survey found that less exercise, unhealthy eating and a history of depression were key contributors to obesity and overweight workers in these specific industries. As reported by CNBC, former transit worker, Ed Watt, describes the conditions that create a work environment conducive for weight gain, “First the sedentary nature of the work, sitting much of the day with the inability to move around, even for bathroom breaks. The second is the mobile nature of the job leaves poor food choices. So fast food rules." Diet Doc believes that fast food and obesity do not have to rule and that patients can take control of their eating habits and lifestyle choices to lose weight fast and maintain their weight over time. Through uniquely designed hCG diets, clients learn how to create a healthy, more active lifestyle with nutrient rich foods and snacks that help patients lose weight fast.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Offer Patients Successful Weight Loss Tips, Free from Fads

LogoWith the World Health Organization estimating that since 1980 obesity has nearly doubled and affects nearly 500 million people worldwide, many are left searching for successful weight loss tips and advice. Diet Doc understands the drive to lose unnecessary and embarrassing excess fat and offers patients medically supervised weight management through hCG diets that combine prescription strength hCG treatments with energy packed meals and educated weight loss tips. Patients are able to lose weight without resorting to alternative methods such as eating insects, as was recently suggested by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. A new study has researchers considering the weight management benefits of consuming insects for their lean protein and healthy fats. Diet Doc’s hCG diets employ expert’s weight loss tips for foods high in energy and full of essential elements and nutrients without suggesting that patients begin adding bugs to their diet.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces hCG Weight Loss Plans for Women of All Ages

LogoEating and exercising habits, as well as many other intrinsic factors can easily influence a women’s weight, including childbirth, hormones, age, and genetics. For those women struggling with obesity, losing excess weight may directly reduce the chances of developing a number of dangerous health problems including high blood pressure, heart disease, and Type 2 diabetes, as well as joint and bone-related conditions. However, the complications involved with obesity may not be simply caused by overeating and lack of exercise, there are a myriad of reasons why women may be overweight and can involve biological, genetic, psychological, and environmental factors. Diet Doc is doctor designed, physician monitored, hCG weight loss plans developed by expertly trained professionals all specializing in the science of healthy and fast weight loss. Diet Doc’s staff works diligently to uncover the underlying metabolic, hormonal and/or cellular toxicity that may be causing weight gain or preventing weight loss in women.

hCGtreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Fast Weight Loss Without Dangerous Bone Mass Loss

LogoGastric bypass surgery is extremely effective at producing fast weight loss, but at what price? A modernized and individualized hCG diet plan from Diet Doc offers equal results to invasive surgeries with little to no reported side effects. Researchers are calling for more studies to be conducted on the affect of gastric bypass and other invasive procedures on residual bone mass. Medicaldaily reported that " Even though we don't yet understand all the mechanisms, we can see that the more radical the procedure, the greater the bone loss long-term."

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Support Patients in Losing Weight Fast to Avoid Doctor Shopping and Trips to the Emergency Room

LogoPeople that are interested in losing weight often go to extremes or follow fad weight loss diets that ultimately fail to provide them with the results they desire. Many studies have revealed the effects that negative weight-based stigmas have on individuals who are interested in losing weight and a new study indicates that these stigmas may eventually take a more serious toll on an overweight person’s health. Researchers with Johns Hopkins University recently found that obese patients and patients that are interested in losing weight are more likely to switch primary care physicians over short periods of time and this behavior may be the result of negative weight-based stigmas in the health care field. Ultimately, a direct correlation was found between changing primary care physicians repeatedly and increased trips to the emergency room over time. Diet Doc’s hCG weight loss diets assist patients in losing weight, maintaining a healthy weight over time and avoiding behaviors that may lead to serious health consequences in the future.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Now Help Patients with Weight Gain Linked to Childhood ADHD Lose Weight Fast

LogoWith today’s levels of weight gain and obesity reaching epidemic proportions, many people are hunting for advice on the causes of weight gain and how to lose weight fast. New studies are constantly being developed that suggest causes of weight gain and treatments that will help patients lose weight fast. This week, a study was released by the Child Study Center at NYU Langone Medical Center that found a clear relationship between the childhood diagnosis of ADHD and the soring rates of obesity later in life. Diet Doc’s new hCG diets can now focus on creating individual diet plans, healthy eating and lifestyle changes even for those potentially affected by symptoms of ADHD, to lose weight fast.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss Plans Announces New Medically Supervised Prescription hCG Diet Plans Designed to Melt Dangerous Stress-Related Belly Fat

LogoA two-year study conducted at Wake Forest University supports the theory that those leading a more stressful lifestyle are far more likely to develop an arrangement of heart disease risks, as well as gaining and storing excess weight, most times accumulating in the waistline. A vast array of data on stressed and unstressed female cynomolgus monkeys was collected. A comparison of monkeys with the same body mass index and weight, showed that the stressed monkeys had a great deal more belly fat. When the animal's arteries were examined, artery-clogging plaque was also much more prominent in the arteries of the stressed monkeys.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Prescription hCG Diet Plans That Provide Medically Supervised, Safe & Rapid Weight Loss to Thousands

LogoBenefiting from decades of scientific research, Diet Doc has developed the leading modern day version of Simeons' original hCG diet plans, making it a more effective and healthier means of losing excess weight. The newly created diet plans offer patients pure, prescription hCG, an increased caloric intake, as well as allowing patients to incorporate a wider range of healthy foods into their diet. Each nutrient rich hCG diet plan is uniquely developed by certified nutritionists and is specific to the patient's medical history, age, gender, lifestyle and personal weight loss goals.