SAARC Post-doc Academia

Hundreds of Thousands of Rohingya Children at High Risk of Infantile-Mortality, Enslavement & Disabilities - Coercive Atrocities Bear the Hallmarks of Genocidal Clamp-Down

According to the U.N. data and the statistical annals of other dependable sources, Myanmar's ethnic minority 'Rohingya' constitutes some 1.3 million of the populace of the western Rakhine state of Burma. There they live in an extremely 'oppressed state' and are described by the UN and the global human rights watch-out sentinels as—"the most persecuted, beleaguered and oppressed community on the face of earth".

Munich State Court's Recent Verdict on Sylvia Stolz's Case Makes "Free Speech" Position-Stance Retained Upheld; a Thorough and Contentious Synthesis of the Decision's Preludes Set-Documented by Prof. Aurangzeb Hafi

The recent verdict by the Munich State Court has triggered-up critical thorny questions on the west, its stance position's fourth-estates, the entire opinion outlook and above all the judiciary.