Zen Law Ltd

Autonomous Vehicles Are Set to Crash: Zen Law Comments

As technology advances, self-driving cars are increasingly at the forefront of more media attention with their release expected in the next five years. Due to the research and production processes underway, there are now claims that autonomous cars will still have the potential to crash, despite Volvo previously claiming that it aims to have zero deaths in its cars by 2020 due to self-driving technology.

A Rise in Tanning Salon Claims Suggests Negligent Behavior: Zen Law Solicitors Comments

Recent reports have highlighted a rise in personal injury claims related to incidents in tanning salons. The news comes at the end of the summer months and moving towards autumn – when many people seek to top-up their holiday tan using sunbeds and related equipment. However, an increase in injury claims has occurred, especially relating to people being badly burned. A number of solicitors are reporting a rising number of out-of-court settlements to people who have been injured by tanning salon equipment.

Ethical Marketing Charter to Improve Personal Injury Law Practices: Zen Law Solicitors Comments

Recent reports have highlighted the launch of an Ethical Marketing Charter, with the aim of combating unprofessional marketing practices in relation to personal injury. Released in the North of England, a number of law firms have endorsed the move, which emphasizes the importance of providing reliable information, stopping any instances of nuisance marketing.

Four Times More Likely to Crash if You Drive Using a Phone: Zen Law Comments

Recent figures released by the road safety team 'Think!' as part of Direct Gov, reveal that you are four times MORE likely to crash, if you use a mobile phone when driving. The use of a phone at the wheel not only distracts from concentration and delays the response time of the individual, but also occupies at least one hand – reducing the control a person has over their vehicle.

Risks on the Road and Cycling: Zen Law Comments

According to a recent report, although safety on the roads is improving as a whole, an area not declining is the number of cyclists involved in road accidents. The findings were made through a combined research effort from the all-party Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety and the RAC Foundation. Although road deaths and serious injuries as a whole fell between 2010 and 2013, there were significant increases regarding cycling injuries with an increase of 16% when the 2009 average was compared with the 2013 average.

Medical Negligence Payouts Rise: Zen Law Comment

It has been recently revealed that United Lincolnshire Hospitals trust paid out over £19 million in 2013/14 to cover medical negligence claims and compensate patients. The figures have been revealed by the NHS litigation authority, and although released only recently, highlight what many believe to be a growing extent of negligence within the health service, which is becoming a pressing issue.

Industrial Disease and Teaching: Zen Law Comments

Recent investigations into industrial diseases at work have produced some profound results, especially within teaching.

Figures Suggest Paramedics Made to Wait 42,000 Hours - Zen Law Comments

Recent figures obtained by Sky News show that in the last four weeks, paramedics were forced to queue outside A and E departments for more than a combined total of 42,000 hours.