The SYMLIS Sparrow Offers Huge Convenience and Powerful Innovation in a Tiny Device

LogoLongwei Wu, the founder of SYMLIS LLC, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo in order to introduce his newest innovation to the public. This campaign has a funding goal of $20,000, which needs to be raised by March 28th in order to bring the SYMLIS Sparrow to market. The SYMLIS Sparrow is an On-The-Go (OTG) flash drive and phone charging & sync cable that is no larger than a AA battery. Wu asks, "Have you found yourself with a dying phone and there was a USB port just a few feet away? Do you want to carry big files for your smartphone but the phone is out of space?" His new device is the answer to both of these questions. He states, "It is hard to carry a charger all the time, but finding a USB port is much easier. Carrying a SYMLIS Sparrow USB OTG flash drive for your smartphone will make your life much easier."