SOBA machine

The nutritional profile of buckwheat is quite impressive. Buckwheat flour is a good source of dietary fiber and contains essential amino acids. It is packed with nutrients, readily available, easy to work with and has a nice nutty flavor. Buckwheat also contains high levels of magnesium which helps relax to blood vessels that improving blood flow. It is high in fiber, protein, niacin, amino acids and vitamin D. It is also rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron and calcium. In Japan, buckwheat flour is a popular, traditional food. Buckwheat flour is actually not a type of wheat or grain, but a flowering seed closely related to rhubarb and sorrel. Buckwheat flour contains 70–91% starch depending on the flour types, and the starch consists of 25% amylose and 75% amylopectin. Buckwheat also contains high levels of magnesium which helps relax to blood vessels that improving blood flow. It is high in fiber, protein, niacin, amino acids and vitamin D.! Our buckwheat Flour is coarsely stoneground from the buckwheat seed and hull, retaining a higher fiber content and more nutritional value than light buckwheat.