Station 77

We’re a unique canvas in the digital world that creatives from Kenya and all of Africa can use to create and curate unique ideas that showcase their inspiration to the world. We believe in expressing the spirit of our culture, and in using the latest technology to enhance experiences for people from all walks of life. When you assemble as a creative collective you become a team that is more than the sum of your parts. You become one with each other as your creative sparks ignite a passion that takes over and brings the beauty out of every idea for the whole world to see. We want to invite you in to join us, to get onboard and create something special that will stand the test of time and show the world what our continent has to offer. We’re proud to be different and we love who we are because it shapes everything we do. We’re not just a team of spirited creatives; we’re curators of ideas and creators of unique visuals. The expression of this spirit is the reason Station 77 was founded, and now we’re here we want to invite you aboard to join our movement. We are more than creatives. We are creatives enhanced by technology…