
Adam Worley


Adam Worley

Adam Worley has been a Town Centre Manager within Epsom, previously working in a Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) supporting Town Centre Growth and national strategy before becoming a self employed consultant delivering business support and economic regeneration.

He has been responsible for developing and securing European funding, Strategic Planning, Place Development and Branding, as well as delivering Business Support programmes within localities he has worked.

Adam has been most recently responsible for leading the economic development function of Whangarei District Council including, Co-ordination of the economic development strategy in collaboration with Northland Inc, leading the marketing strategy for the District and proactive engagement with potential developers and investors.

Having worked within retail for over ten years on the High Street and online, he understands customers' decision making, partnership engagement and developing relationships with customers.

Adam, within his role as Town Centre Manager, was responsible for empowering local groups and creating a business voice within the local authority.

Adam is a Digital Skills Trainer.