Vaco Supply Chain Solutions, LLC

Will Mrotek

Managing Partner

Will Mrotek

Will had an interesting and varied career prior to joining Vaco. He spent seven years managing sales and operations for a brewing company in the Milwaukee, WI area before moving into the technology sector. Following three years working as a Microsoft-certified consultant/developer for a specialized software engineering firm in Milwaukee, he accepted the role of business development manager for the company and served four years in this capacity. After relocating to Virginia, Will joined Vaco in 2004 concentrating on new business development. As the result of a strong relationship with a local national retailer, Will began focusing on assisting other major retailers with their merchandising and supply chain implementations, resulting in the establishment of Vaco Supply Chain Solutions in 2010. Since then the firm has continued to grow in size as well as customer base, while staying true to the initial goal of providing the very best resources and value in an honest and ethical manner. Will holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire.