Airwheel Technology Holding ( USA ) CO.,LTD

Live a Simpler and Entertaining Life with Airwheel X8 One Wheel Electric Unicycle

Airwheel X8 electric unicycle impresses the audience with its royal appearance as well as premium performance. Besides, the self-balancing electric scooter can relieve people from the dependence on private cars and provides a way of entertainment, making life simple and relaxed.

Time Is Money – Airwheel Self-Balancing Scooter Helps Save Time

Everyone knows that time is money and tries to seize every minute for time saving. However, people become helpless when they are trapped in traffic congestion, waiting anxiously with every minute wasted on the road. Now people reduce the time wasted in traffic jam by riding Airwheel self-balancing electric scooter.

Fun in Gaining the Initiative: Airwheel Electric Self-Balancing Appears in Film Festival, Malaysia

A Malaysian point of sale for Airwheel electric self-balancing scooter has launched a new joyous publicity. Though little connection between Airwheel self-balancing scooters and films, it will never prevent Airwheel electric self-balancing scooter from being a focus on the Film Festival!

Brainstorming: Guesses About New Intelligent Electric Self-Balancing Scooter on Airwheel's Product Release Conference

Airwheel Intelligent Technology Corp will hold a product release conference on June 18, 2015. And people from all walks of life are wondering what Airwheel, as a leading brand in the field of intelligent portable transport,will launch on this conference.

A Pleasant Ride: Street Snaps by Canadian Users of Airwheel Self Balancing Electric Scooter

Canadian users have released daily street snaps of Airwheel electric self-balancing scooters, which are fashionable, fancy and individual. Airwheel electric self-balancing scooter allows both hands free to drink water or make a call and enables to enjoy an easy and pleasant ride.

The Most Portable Transport: Airwheel Intelligent Electric Self-Balancing Scooter

When it comes to electric transport, what's in our mind firstly? Today, let's get to know the Airwheel intelligent electric self-balancing scooter that is more portative and convenient than E-bike.

Airwheel Electric Self-Balancing Scooter Gives a Live Show at Sepant Circuit, Malaysia

The video of Airwheel Car-Free Day at Sepant circuit, Malaysia is finally released. The best circuit is for the best electric self-balancing scooter. Airwheel intelligent scooter allows to enjoy an easy ride and appreciate splendid scenery at the F1 circuit.

Airwheel Electric Self-Balancing Scooter S3, Indispensable Vehicle for Cool Whizzing

Airwheel electric self-balance scooter S3 caters to the young people who'd like to show their exciting wheelie and enjoy their energetic lives. As the most successful model of Airwheel, S3 has awesome appearance, especially at night when its LED lights are on. Besides, it is cost-effective with excellent functions.

Change Lifestyle and Have Fun with Airwheel Self-BALANCING Scooter

An athlete demonstrates his extraordinary talents in a game at the moment when he wins victory. But the moment finally comes after years of industrious practice and strong will. This goes for athletes and so does for Airwheel. Next is about the daily routines of some rowing athletes who now are working for Airwheel. They never forget about the sportsmanship and keep making efforts for their work and society.

Airwheel Class: The Common Sense of Riding Intelligent Self-Balancing Scooters

After riding intelligent scooter becomes a sport, more and more people gather together to discuss the problems they encounter. The editor sorts out the several common questions and appropriate answers below, so users can read for reference.