Victor Weintraub

Government by Crisis Can Not Work. Now the Sequester, We Had the Fiscal Cliff. the Debt Ceiling Is Ahead. Indecision and Politics Hold Back the Economy

At the present time our economy is weak to the point of almost a depression. Politicians in Washington and the news anchors on TV talk about the out of balance budget and the national debt as if they are critical problems. They are not and cannot be fixed by spending cuts. The answer is that they can not be corrected without economic growth. The first tool to achieve economic growth is by Government spending programs that will create jobs, increase middle class income and increase middle class spending. The second tool to achieve growth is to dramatically increase the marginal tax on the highest income earners. An increased marginal tax rate is not just a revenue generator. It will change the way people think about their tax planning and force them to put their money into active and productive investments. Investments that expand business and create jobs.

The Budget Deficit Does Not Matter. The National Debt Does Not Matter. Jobs and Economic Growth Are the Only Things That Matter

Conventional wisdom says that when there is a recession the FED should lower the cost of money and increase liquidity in the monetary markets. Since the start of the current recession and the financial markets collapse in 2008 and 9, that is what the FED has done. Rates were lowered continuously to the point that short-term rates are effectively 0 today. The markets are awash with liquidity. There has not been the recovery that you would expect.

There Is No Fiscal Cliff It Is a Scare Tactic

The idea that when the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year and at the same time there are large cuts in defense spending it will have a devastating impact on our economy. This is a totally untrue and ridiculous.statement.

The Government of Our United States of America Is for Sale

Money in politics is our greatest notional problem and national shame. It is an enormous waste of our national resources, our national strength, and our national wealth It is the biggest source of the corruption of our government. and the destruction of the American way of life and the destruction of our middle class.. You pay your money and you get your law. You pay your money and you get rid of regulation. You pay your money and the American people can go to hell. Money and special interests rule. Fairness does not matter. Profit rules.

Obamacare Is Wonderful Single Payer Will Be Better

The insurance companies are spending millions lobbying to repeal Obamacare. They know that it will put them out of business. You and I love Obamacare. It has done a lot to extend medical coverage. The Insurance Companies hate it. They want you to hate it.

Romney Is Wrong High Unemployment Comes from Too Low Tax Rates

We cannot continue believing the misinformation that low taxes are good. Low taxes are a destroyer of the economy and of the middle class. We are headed in the same direction as Greece where the wealthy just ignore taxes. The difference is that we have made it legal for the wealthy to not pay their fair share of taxes.

Occupy Phoenix consensus breakup the Big Banks

The big banks continue to act badly. This week the scandal is rigging the LIBOR rate. A few weeks ago it was the multiple Billions of dollars loss by J P Morgan Chase. Victor Weintraub, the noted economist and author says. “It is only a matter of time until something happens to put the entire banking system in jeopardy again. Another bailout is out of the question. The American people will not tolerate that.”