LEM Products Inc.

LEM Products, Inc. Releases New Informational Video on Safety and Warning Labels

LogoLEM Products, Inc., a manufacturer of warehouse safety signs and other labels since 1967, has spent the past five decades devising innovative, long-lasting solutions for customers in multiple industries that require safety, warning and hazard labeling. The company recently released a video that informs customers and other interested parties of just how much the company has expanded over the course of its nearly fifty-year history, and the vast range of solutions that they now provide to customers around the globe.

LEM Products, Inc. President & CEO Maureen O'Connor Elected to Board of DVIRC

LogoAs LEM Products, Inc. enters 2016 with big plans for improving its processes and delivering the safety labeling solutions that its customers trust, the company reflects on the successes of the past year. 2015 was a particularly successful one for LEM Products, Inc. and its president & CEO, Maureen O'Connor. Closing out the year's long list of accomplishments for the company was the announcement that O'Connor has been elected to the board of the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center (DVIRC).

LEM Products, Inc. CEO Maureen O'Connor Recognized by Enterprising Women Magazine

LogoEnterprising Women magazine is a publication that celebrates the innovative spirit and inspiring leadership of women in business across the globe. Annually, the magazine recognizes the world's top women entrepreneurs for their vision and achievements.

LEM Products, Inc. Joins Tag & Label Manufacturers Institute

LogoAs an industry leader, LEM Products, Inc. pursues opportunities to make its manufacturing processes for safety tags and labels even more efficient and cost-effective for the sake of its customers. Capping off a year of recognition for their accomplishments, LEM Products, Inc. has taken the next step by joining the Tag & Label Manufacturers Institute (TLMI).

LEM President and CEO Maureen O'Conner Honored by Marcum

LogoPhiladelphia's entrepreneurial economy has seen some national attention recently. The once struggling city has, in the past decade, become a hotbed of entrepreneurial growth and innovation, and its business leaders have earned countless accolades from their peers. One Philadelphia company that has earned recent recognition is LEM Products, Inc.

LEM Products Shares OSHA Regulations for Lockout/Tagout Procedures

LogoMany workplaces, such as manufacturing facilities or utility companies, must control the potential hazardous energy of machines and equipment that could harm employees upon an unexpected energization or start-up. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that workplaces have lockout/tagout procedures and labeling in place to ensure that employees are adequately warned of risks and avoid accidents.

Make Scaffold Safety a Priority with Labels from LEM Products Inc.

LogoAccording to the National Safety Council, violation of the OSHA standard for scaffolding is third in the 2015 Top Ten OSHA Violations. There were over 4,000 citations for violation of workplace scaffold safety in fiscal year 2015, and it showed up on the list of most frequently-cited violations right after fall protection and hazard communication.

High Voltage Cross Arm Signs from LEM Products

LogoLEM Products, the leader in custom safety identification products and safety tags labels for industries of all types, offers a variety of solutions for companies who want to keep their personnel safe on the job. Protection from voltage is a pressing concern for many businesses, not least of all utility companies whose associates regularly work in proximity to high-wattage currents.

LEM Products to Present at the Summit Meeting for the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center

LogoIn conjunction with Manufacturing Day, taking place on October 2nd, LEM Products, Inc. will be presenting at the Summit Meeting for the Delaware Valley Industrial Resource Center. LEM Products, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of safety tags and labels, and is anticipating great turnout for this event and is looking forward to networking with, and learning from, some of the best in the business throughout Philadelphia, PA, and the surrounding areas.

Philadelphia Business Journal's "Women Who Lead 2015" Honors President of LEM Products, Inc.

LogoLEM Products, Inc. is a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based organization serving as a leader in the manufacturing of industrial safety labels, signs, tags and stickers for a breadth of industries. Every year they provide affordable solutions in safety and hazard assessments for their clientele, and none of this would be possible without the diligence of their President and CEO, Maureen O'Conner. O'Conner was recently honored by Philadelphia Business Journal's "Women Who Lead 2015."