Western Fireplace Supply

Gas Fireplaces Take Center Stage at Western Fireplace Supply Colorado Fireplace Stores

LogoGas fireplaces are sometimes designed to be unobtrusive, blending in with the room's decor, providing a reliable source of warmth through the colder seasons. Increasingly though, designers and homeowners are opting to showcase the gas fireplaces as a focal point to a room, a talking point, and a consideration in designing the concept for the room from the outset. With advances in technology and the availability of custom builds, bolder designs are embracing vibrant colors and experimenting with fireplace surrounds which are aesthetically pleasing whether the fireplace is in use or not.

Wood Burning Fireplace Vents Are an Important Safety Feature Available at Colorado Fireplace Stores

LogoWith so many makes and models of fireplace available on the market, there are many choices to be made. One thing that all fuel-burning fireplaces and stoves have in common is that they must be vented to the outside of the property. This is a critical safety factor as the consequences of improper venting can be dire, they include fires, diminished air quality and even a build-up of potentially lethal carbon monoxide gas. Poor air quality can be a significant problem, especially for households with an asthma sufferer. For a safe venting solution, the correct materials must be used, and they must also be installed properly.

Fireplace Inserts Transform Pellet, Wood, and Gas Fireplaces Into Cost-Effective Sources of Warmth

LogoWith so many heating solutions for today's Colorado homeowners, the fireplace may be seen as a decorative feature instead of the focal point of the family room. The comforting background ambiance of a fireplace to some extent makes up for the reality that heat escapes up through the chimney and cold drafts can enter the house through the chimney when the fireplace is not being used. This translates into wasted energy as heat is generated and then lost, in addition to extra heating being required when the colder air invades the house. This is most noticeable in the winter, at precisely the time that utility bills can spike.

Wood Burning Stoves from Western Fireplace Supply Offer Energy Independence and Rustic Allure

LogoPurchasing an item like a wood burning stove is an investment for the future. One of the primary considerations in deciding which stove to buy is the size of unit required. This depends not only on the square footage being heated, but also on the location within the house that the stove will be operated from, and on the living patterns of the family. An approved vent to the outside of the property is a requirement so living rooms, family rooms, kitchens, and basements are all possibilities for housing the stove. If the family room and kitchen are open-plan, then the heating requirements may be similar in either room, questions can then be asked in terms of where the family spends the most time and if they want to watch the stove throughout their evening. Western Fireplace supply has Colorado Fireplace Showrooms in Avon, Colorado Springs, and Fort Collins. Their experienced team has over 30 years' experience in helping Coloradans find their perfect match in terms of suitability, design, and budget.

Banish Drafty Fireplaces with Fireplace Inserts from Western Fireplace Supply

LogoGas, pellet, and wood fireplace inserts are an investment in household heating solutions. Traditionally, fireplaces have been designed as central to the home, generating warmth which then radiates to nearby rooms. The downside to traditional fireplaces and hearths has always been the heat lost via the chimney and the reverse flow of cold air down the chimney into the house when the fireplace is not lit. Not only does this direct heat away from the home, it inevitably results in more fuel being spent in order to generate the heat needed. For homes which still have the old style of fireplace, a complete renovation or redesign can be a complicated and expensive proposition. Fireplace inserts offer a relatively lower cost alternative in switching to a more efficient and convenient solution.

Wood Burning Stoves from a Trusted Colorado Fireplace Store

LogoWood burning stoves continue to be popular and as the seasons change and the nights get cooler, they are sure to become even more in demand. Generations may have trusted the simple wood burning stoves of yesteryear, but today's 21st Century designs would truly impress early pioneers. Not only do they look stylish and sleek, making them a natural focal point in any room, they burn with a greater efficiency which is important to a generation of environmentally responsible shoppers.

Western Fireplace Supply Showcases Gas Fireplace Collections Pairing Efficiency with Style

LogoGas fireplaces have evolved to become a stylish enhancement to the interior design of a home. Beyond their obvious functionality and ability to provide an efficient, reliable source of heat, gas fireplaces for the 21st Century range from traditional styles which may conjure up fond memories of yesteryear, to sleek, elegant designs which could grace the pages of a futuristic magazine.

Colorado Fireplace Store Western Fireplace Supply Offers Gas Fireplace Inserts to Improve Efficiency

LogoIt only takes an experienced technician about 4 hours to transform an old, smoky, and dated inefficient fireplace into a stylish centerpiece of the room with a fireplace insert. The changes are more than cosmetic, although that is certainly another one of the many reasons to make a change. With new aluminum liners and an existing chimney, gas fireplace inserts are clean-burning and cost effective, providing an environmentally responsible source of warmth for an entire house or the zone in which the family lives.

Colorado Fireplace Store Western Fireplace Supply Showcases Pellet Burning Stoves

LogoWood burning stoves are popular with homeowners however they require extensive chimney systems and a ready supply of wood. As an alternative, pellet burning stoves are a versatile choice as they can be used to heat anything from a small room to a large area.

Colorado Fireplace Store Western Fireplace Supply Showcases Wood Burning Stoves

LogoThere are many considerations when purchasing a wood burning stove. One of the most basic questions which can help narrow down the model is how big the stove should be. The stove may be largely decorative or may be the primary source of heat. Zone heating is a scenario where a stove would be used to heat only a portion of the home, for instance, a family room which may then open out into a living area and a kitchen. This could be a more economical solution than using a furnace to heat the entire home, including rooms which are rarely used. It is important not to buy a stove which is too big for the area being warmed. This would not only be less cost effective, but the stove would not burn optimally, leading to problems like the window blackening as a hot stove is required to keep the window clean.