ReleaseWire Apply E-Book Security Settings to Its FlipBook Maker

Posted: Thursday, May 02, 2013 at 10:32 AM CDT

Guangzhou, Guangdong -- (ReleaseWire) -- 05/02/2013 --Copyright protection problems are now plaguing e-books and electronic publishing. The software company has announced several ways people can protect their e-books using simple features in its flipbook software. There are several copyright issues which e-book publishers face, including authors, print publishers, and any organization engaged in digital publishing.

When designing an e-book, there are numerous issues when it comes to business and legal responsibility. Creators have to consider the rights to artwork; information contained in tables, charts, and maps; and excerpts from other literary works and journals. It is important to check on the copyright status of any material, or purchase the rights to use this; the same goes for anyone using the material contained in an e-book.

For e-book publishers, 3DPageFlip software provides simple ways to protect flipbooks. The flip book PDF software, for example, allows direct access to the company’s Upload Server. The “Upload Online” service allows users to publish their e-books online, plus manage their flipbooks by choosing to keep their creations hidden from unauthorized readers. To authorize viewers, the user just has to add their email addresses. Those who are unauthorized will be denied access.

In addition, software users can add passwords to their e-book from the user interface. The latest version lets users add a password purchase link, so interested parties can find the site where they can buy the e-book and receive the password to access it. These configurations are made within the Flash interface to control the security settings. Protected content will remain secure and will only be accessed when someone has the password which they must purchase.

Flipbooks have become a popular way to easily create many different types of e-books. Publishers are now using the software for designing exclusive content, books, magazines, manuals, brochures, and more. These often contain unique content that needs to be protected. In the past, it was hard to accomplish this, but has engineered software functions making copyright protection as easy to control as the design of the e-book itself.

The company provides several flipbook maker pro software tools for creating virtual, realistic 3D flipbooks converted from PDF, Word, and other files. By adding video, hyperlinks, Flash effects, and more, users can make each flipbook unique. This is why copyright protection is so important. Doing so, however, does not add much time or expertise to the process.

For more information on the software and its numerous features, visit

Started in 2008, has created and improved on software for generating multimedia-filled, page-flipping e-books used by businesses and casual users. Customers receive top-notch service from the company’s technical support team, while having the option to provide feedback to help the company advance its software tools. The China-based business serves customers around the world.