
Free HTML5 Flip Book Publisher Now Takes Digital Publishing to a Higher Level

Recently, has released a new version of HTML5 Flip Book Publisher for people to create perfect online interactive magazines for all devices.

Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 at 9:15 PM CDT

Hong Kong -- (ReleaseWire) -- 07/30/2014 --PUB HTML5 has introduced a new Free HTML5 Flip Book Publisher geared toward making PDF documents more user-friendly. This is expected to create a new and exciting experience by allowing PDF products in the form of magazines, books, brochures and pamphlets, to be converted to innovative publications.

The internet has become more than just a space for persons to interface socially. It is now a hub of communication and an effective cost saving measure for many companies in which many businesses have gone digital. By doing so, businesses have been able to retain their audiences, capture new readers and create an expandable readership base by digitalizing their products to cater for the technological audience.

It is no secret that most businesses have their written product in PDF format, which is widely used to protect the integrity of its contents and preserve its ownership. One must admit though that PDF’s are not the most easily read document and manipulating them can become cumbersome.

PUB HTML5 has been able to provide a workable cloud based digital distribution platform with the formation of its HTML5 technology that converts PDF documents into interactive, creative publications that will enhance the quality of all newspaper articles, magazines, books, journals and just about any printable media that is in PDF format.

With PUB HTML5 businesses no longer need to worry about compatibility and transferability of documents, as PUB HTML5 transforms documents into any readable format. They also provide the latest technological publishing platform such as PUB HTML5 Cloud which gives persons the ability to publish online digital magazines and gain access to them from anywhere in the world.

PUB HTML5 digital magazine creator gives branding advantages with intuitive navigation techniques for catalogues and is designed with the ability to detect and input hyperlinks, a feature which most online catalogs do not have. They also enhance the artistic display of any publication by the addition of videos, audios, and links to offline videos even slide shows.

PUB HTML5 publishing gives customers flexible publishing options from the HTML5, Zip created HTML files, EXE application to run on PC’s, FTP files to be integrated on a website to the provision of emails and wordpress plugins.

PUB HTML5 is designed to create online interactive magazines for all devices, such as androids, IOS and desktops devices. This software is great for those persons who are not technologically savvy as it is easy to use and have built in applications that will have anyone creating e-publications in minutes.

PUB HTML5 publishing is convenient to readers, provides them with a flip book publisher, access to statistics about the number of visits and interactions to catalogs, has social media features integrated so that sharing is easy and has a Google analytics embedded to assist with marketing strategies.

What more can anyone ask for, except it be PUB HTML5. For more information please visit