
Oakland, CA Cosmetic Surgeon Offers Life Changing Options with Labiaplasty

Dr. Gabriel H. Patino offers surgical options to help with discomfort, insecurity and embarrassment for women with labia issues

Posted: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 12:30 PM CDT

El Cerrito, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 09/20/2016 --Bay Area cosmetic surgeon Dr. Gabriel Patino is helping women feel more confident in their appearance and comfortable in their own skin by offering labiaplasty surgery. With this procedure, women who have been experiencing discomfort, insecurity, or embarrassment about their genital area due to labia issues now have an effective solution for improvement. The procedure is done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and takes only 1-2 hours.

Many women are unhappy with the size and shape of their labia minor, which can lead to feelings of embarrassment during intercourse. Other women may feel discomfort during daily activities or exercise due to excess labia tissue and may even feel pain in tight clothing or swimwear. Labiaplasty surgery reduces the labia minora tissue to create a thinner, shorter, and more appealing appearance. Women who undergo the procedure often report that they have increased confidence and self-esteem, more satisfying intercourse, and much less discomfort during exercise.

Dr. Patino performs labiaplasty surgery on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia with laser technology. Unlike scalpels typically used for similar surgeries, the laser allows for more precision, reduces bleeding by cauterizing the tissue, and promotes accelerated healing. Once the excess tissue is removed, special skin staples and absorbable sutures are put in place. Patients typically experience some mild bruising, tenderness, and swelling in the first few days following the procedure, but full recovery is typically achieved within a few weeks.

Women who are interested in labiaplasty surgery for improving their appearance and comfort are encouraged to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Patino at his Bay Area cosmetic surgery office. During this consultation, Dr. Patino and the patient will discuss their desired outcomes for the surgery to ensure that their expectations are met.

Labiaplasty is one of many cosmetic surgical procedures Dr. Patino offers for patients in Oakland, Berkeley, and the surrounding areas. He offers a variety of other breast enhancement, body contouring, and facial surgeries to help patients look and feel their very best.

About The Cosmetic Surgery Center of El Cerrito
Dr. Gabriel Patino has more than three decades of experience as a board certified surgeon. He is known worldwide for his expertise in pioneering a variety of cosmetic procedures and seeks to offer patients the highest level of care. He can communicate with patients in six different languages including English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and German.

For more information about Dr. Gabriel Patino and the labiaplasty surgery he offers women in El Cerrito, please visit