
Our Hometown Announces SmartClickConnect

Our Hometown's latest product release, SmartClickConnect, focuses on engaging readers so they stay on one digital news publication longer. This is accomplished by accessing a reader's natural curiosity and directing them to additional articles for all proper nouns related to the who, what and where of the article.

Posted: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 11:12 AM CST

Rochester, NY -- (ReleaseWire) -- 01/12/2016 --Our Hometown, Inc. has released their latest exclusive product for digital news publishers, SmartClickConnect.

SmartClickConnect engages readers while keeping their attention on a publisher's news site longer. This is accomplished by automatically tagging the important topics in articles - the who, what, and where - and displaying the relations between all of them in a simple pop-up interface.

By creating deeper and more meaningful connections between recommended articles, SmartClickConnect aims to replace the average on-site search engine by tapping into a reader's curiosity quickly and easily, driving them to additional articles within the publication. Its ease of use reduces the number of steps to find additional articles and addresses the short attention span of today's readers.

"SmartClickConnect contains readers to the news site or publication they started on, making the publication's advertising space more valuable to local advertisers" reveals Paul Kozma, Our Hometown CEO. "Once a reader is drawn away from a site with today's clickbait ads, they're unlikely to return to read more articles. We want to reverse that trend."

In terms of tagging, most news sites today only tag a few major topics or people, or they have to manually add links to relevant, older articles. Others drive revenue via clickbait ads that drive readers away from their sites.

"News sites have a wealth of archived material that is difficult to drive readers to" explained Kozma. "And our main client base, local and regional newspapers, have unique local content and engaged readers, but no easy way to connect and deliver that content. SmartClickConnect aims to be that solution for publications both large and small."

About SmartClickConnect
SmartClickConnect is currently in beta on select Our Hometown sites, soon to be added to all Our Hometown client sites. The initial release features related articles and related entities to the selected topic as well as a search engine.

For more information or to visit our beta sites to see SmartClickConnect in action, go to

For a free demo, you can contact or call (315) 294-5735.