ReleaseWire Launches The Solution To The 95% Failure Rate In The Home Business Industry partnership with Jaguar Marketing System is the Solution for Home Business Owners Having Unlimited Free Prospects and A Qualified Sales Professional Closing Your Sales.

Posted: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 at 12:05 PM CST

Eagan, MN -- (ReleaseWire) -- 01/22/2008 -- Delegate your sales process and Jaguar shows how business owners to market for free and generate unlimited leads. An alternative to cold calling and over priced leads as we dial for your dollars, Jaguar Marketing Systems partnership with provides the home business professional the ability to delegate closing prospects who are joining their business to qualified experienced sales professionals. The home business owner will generate the prospects using a variety of proven lead generation methods that our taught by Mentors on a Mission and Jaguar Marketing System.

Once a prospect has been generated or expressed interest in one of our members businesses the member can send the info to their account executive and a sales professional will call the prospects, answer questions, refer prospect to additional info on the opportunity or the opportunity’s conference call and close the prospect on joining the members business.

“My goal is to tell the truth about working from home. It is a profession like any other, and you need skills and training as well as a determined mindset to make it work. Although home business is a kind of a sales job, most people have the mindset of not wanting to do sales. Home Business Owner face the same challenge as in traditional home businesses: how to get enough prospects to talk to everyday, and again, they end up spending a lot of money to generate leads.

Jaguar’s 10k a week program is the perfect solution we show you how to generate prospects for free and you can delegate sales and one of the hardest parts of any sale the “close’ to a seasoned sales professional”, say Al Turnquist, CEO of Jaguar Marketing Systems and founder of Mentors on a Mission, Inc.

The home business industry has taught duplication for years. The industry has also promoted home business (mlm) as a different kind of business model, one that does not require office space, employees ect. This thinking is wrong, they key to a successful home business is delegation. Jaguar and Predator Marketing System has created the ability for every home business owner to delegate the part of their business they like the least – The “sales process” of picking up the phone.

Most people can’t duplicate. They are afraid of the phone and can’t “close” there own sales. Most people a do not like to pick up the phone. This prevents the average person from "closing" their sales in a home business. Most people when asked about joining a work from home opportunity will say, "I'm not a salesperson, I Can’t sell, or I’m afraid of picking of the phone, I don’t know how to sell, or I don't like to talk to strangers". What if you could offer a solution to this problem? Jaguar Marketing System is the alternative to cold calling is generating interest as the key to taking home businesses to the next level with a business model of complete delegation.

As founder of the Manage All of It, LLC in Eagan, Minnesota, Chad Nilsson has stayed on the cutting edge of internet marketing and home business opportunities. Nilsson said, “Jaguar Marketing Systems 10k a Week Program has made the process of joining a home business easier. You now have a system so that anyone can join a business and be successful because by using professional account executives it has taken away the part that most people don’t like, closing sales on the phone. When you add that to fact that Jaguar gives you the tools to generate unlimited leads for free you have the solution for success,”

Successful businesses are run by CEO's who delegate the tasks necessary for success to people who are good at that particular task. These include, sales, marketing, customer service, training ect. Try and imaging the CEO of a successful fortune 500 company trying to do everything the business requires. It wouldn't work. Think about it, duplication is responsible for a 95% failure rate in the home business industry. Delegation is the model for success in business. Jaguar’s 10k a Week Program allows the home business owner to delegate the following:

1. Closing prospects
2. Training New downline members
3. Lead Generation Tools and Marketing Resources

With utilizing, anyone in a Home Based Business or Network Marketing can do what any successful business does and delegates. They can now delegate to professionals one of the toughest parts of business to be more successful, both professionally and financially," states Ericka Wilcox, Trainer and Team Support for Mentors On A Mission

The 10k Week Program is the latest product launched by Jaguar Marketing System, which is owned by Mentors on a Mission, Inc., a Global Training and Mentoring Company. Their mission is to help network marketers maximize their potential by providing results oriented mentoring, and an ‘earn as you learn’ opportunity. Listen to our overview by our CEO Al Turnquist 212-990-6230 to get information.

To find out more about Chad Nilsson, Jaguar Marketing Systems and The Manage All Of It, LLC, visit