
Dine Originals (CIRA) Makes Dieting Easier

Posted: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 3:00 PM CST

Dine Originals (CIRA) Makes Dieting Easier

Tucson, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/1/2006 -- Americans invest $33 billion a year trying to shed unwanted pounds. From exercise equipment and videos to supplements and clinics, dieting is big business. “March is a big month for dieting,” said Don Luria, president of the Council of Independent Restaurant of America (CIRA) also known by the brand name DineOriginals™. “I’m not sure whether March is the time when people step back and realize that, with the holidays long past, it’s time to do something about those extra pounds that snuck up on them, or they’re thinking ahead to swimsuit weather,” said Luria.

Whatever the reason, Americans are obsessed with dieting. At least half of the country will embark on a weight-loss regime sometime this year and at any given time, 50 million Americans will be on a diet. To make any diet more palatable, DineOriginals™ member restaurants urge dieters not to forget about their favorite restaurants. “Because we are all independents, we will gladly modify any of our recipes to suit the parameters of your particular diet,” emphasized Luria. Many DineOriginals™ have already incorporated lighter fare sections in their menus.

“As restaurateurs and chefs, we’re susceptible to overeating and need to be as conscious of our diets as our guests are. If you're dieting, just let us know and we will modify our menu in any way you like. Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't enjoy a great meal out!” said Janos Wilder, Chef/Owner of the Tucson favorites, Janos and J Bar.

Mark Haugen, Chef/co-owner of Tejas and Bar Abilene in the Twin Cities, agrees. “At Tejas and Bar Abilene we have a lot of dishes that are carb/calorie/fat reduced. American Southwestern Cuisine is often synonymous with healthy dining options. Many of our guests know that they can count on us for delicious choices when they have dietary considerations. We’re happy to customize dishes for them and, because many independent restaurants are chef-driven, DineOriginals™ guests can usually rely on getting thoughtful ‘customization’ when it comes to any dining regimes.”

Diets that overly deprive you are most likely headed for failure. “Ninety-five percent of all diets fail,” says Diane Grabowski-Nepa, R.D., nutrition educator at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Santa Monica, California. “People go on diets, they starve themselves, then they go off the diet and they binge and feel miserable, so they go back on a diet. It's a vicious cycle, and it isn't working.”

Moderation and variety are key. If you’ve started a weight-loss regime that consists exclusively of five bowls of cabbage soup a day, you might lose some pounds in the beginning, but how long are you going to be able to tolerate a diet consisting solely of cabbage soup? If you’re planning a dinner out, there are a few simple things to remember to make sure you stay on track.

1. When you know you’re going out for a meal, think ahead and plan you’re eating day accordingly. Eat sparingly, but don’t starve yourself so you’ll have better control when you order.
2. Avoid choices with high fat content like fried food, cream & butter sauces.
3. Turn in your membership card to the ‘Clean your Plate’ club. Eat slowly and stop eating when you’re full.
4. Look for choices that have been grilled, poached or broiled.
5. Above all, be a proactive dining consumer. Insist that sauces and dressings are served on the side. Ask questions about the food preparation and ask for substitutions if one of the accompaniments is a no-no.

Both American Cancer Society and American Heart Association have Dining Out While Dieting Tips on their websites if you’d like more information.

American Express has teamed with Healthy Dining and the National Restaurant Association to provide consumers an informative website that includes a search function listing restaurants with healthy menu choices by zip code proximity. is slated for a mid-2006 launch.

Don’t deprive yourself the enjoyment of a meal in your favorite restaurant just because you’re on a diet. Independently-owned and operated DineOriginals™ restaurants can help you stay on course.

About CIRA/DineOriginal™
DineOriginals™ represents more than 700 Independent restaurant with chapters in eighteen cities; Albuquerque, Birmingham, Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Louisville, Madison, Milwaukee, Nashville, St. Louis, Sarasota, Tucson, Twin Cities, Washington DC and Mt. Washington Valley, NH and over 100 ‘at large’ restaurants not affiliated with any particular chapter.

For more information, go to: or contact Don Luria at

CIRA/DineOriginals™ Mission Statement
“Preserving Our Communities’ Culinary Sense of Place”

CAP Creative
741 B Central Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34236
(941) 953-9191

Roxanne Joffe