
KDeasy – A New Freeware to Make the Most of Kindle

Posted: Friday, April 10, 2015 at 12:15 PM CDT

San Francisco, CA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 04/10/2015 --At the beginning of April 2015, a free software called KDeasy come to many Kindle users' computer. It breaks people's concepts that a single feature gadget like Kindle doesn't need an assitant toolkit. In fact, all Kindle users can benefits more from the eReader with KDeasy.

At the moment, KDeasy is still at the early stage. It provides three feature modules, including collection management, duplicates remover/metadata download, eBooks transfer.

Collection module allows users to manage Kindle collections from computer, that saves a lot of time and operations. If people want to manage the collections on Kindle, it takes at least 7-10 seconds, even for an experienced Kindle user. But with KDeasy, users can manage dozens of books in batch, obviously it takes much less time on computer. The only disadvantage is, this function requires the Kindle's firmware version not later than 5.4.5.x.

Duplicates remover and metadata download features are integrated in the same module called "Cleaner". All Kindles can use this module to scan the duplicate books in a Kindle, and find all the books which don't have complete metadata and download the missing data automatically.

Transfer module helps users to transfer Kindle books between Kindle and computer, or between two Kindles. This feature is also available for all Kindles with all firmware versions. Either downloaded books or purchased books can be transferred perfectly.

As a new-born product, KDeasy is not good enough in many Kindle users' eye, however, it brings some fresh air to the market. People are familiar with all kinds of iOS and Android assistant toolkit, KDeasy wants to tell them, Kindle also needs an assistant toolkit.

"Everyone in this team knows we still have a long long way to go. We have a big plan, and we only finished a small piece for now. Next stage we will fix bugs reported by our users and improve the user experience. The new feature module is already on the way, which will provide over one hundred limited-free Kindle books for our users. We want KDeasy to be a must-have and frequently opened program for Kindle lovers." Says Bansha, the Product Manager of KDeasy.

About KDeasy
KDeasy is a powerful Kindle assistive tool, totally free to download and install on PC and Mac. At the moment it supports Kindle Voyage, Kindle Paperwhite (2), Kindle Touch, Kindle 4, Kindle 5, Kindle 3 (Kindle Keyboard).

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