
Seattle Chiropractor Develops Techniques to Treat Pain Throughout the Body

Abrams Chiropractic delivers advanced techniques applied directly to pain symptoms in areas other than the spine for relief in limbs and extremities

Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 at 11:59 AM CDT

Seattle, WA -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/12/2014 --Abrams Chiropractic of North Seattle knows that spine health is connected intrinsically to the overall wellness and fitness of the body. The health of the spine is directly associated with the health and stability the body’s extremities, meaning the limbs, hands and feet, as well as any part of the body other than the neck and back. Patients experiencing pain or mobility problems in the extremities can address these concerns to the experienced team at Abrams and discuss how chiropractic treatment can help alleviate pain throughout the body. Some extremities with pain symptoms treatable by chiropractic techniques include the elbows, wrists, ankles, hands, fingers, hips, knees, feet, toes, jaw and shoulders. Many normal daily activities result in a certain amount of stress and fatigue on various parts of the body that often are neglected when it comes to their rehabilitation after long hours of use.

Many people seek out chiropractic help when back and neck pain becomes problematic, or following an injury or accident. Some may experience tingling, numbness, or lack of stability in a problem extremity, instead of or in addition to discomfort or pain. This may be indicative of a nervous or musculoskeletal problem. Chiropractic treatment is very effective at treating pain in the extremities, helping to improve blood flow and restore proper functionality and mobility to the affected area, which is the same goal pursued when treating the neck or spine. Extremity disorders may be causing or contributing to pain symptoms elsewhere in the body, especially in the main nervous column in the spine. Chiropractic care focused on problem extremities can contribute to the overall healing of pain throughout the body, improving optimal functionality and eliminating discomfort.

Chiropractic techniques work on other joints and structures of the body the same way they work with the spine. The joints in the body are susceptible to misalignments, injuries, fixations and malfunctions that inhibit proper functionality and can lead to pain and limited range of motion. Most often the culprit behind joint and extremity pain is a combination of trauma, micro-trauma, bad vibrations and damaging repetitive motions like typing on a keyboard. For example, when treating carpal tunnel pain symptoms, many patients may be surprised that the cause of that wrist problem may be connected to overall posture and positioning issues in the neck, shoulder, elbow or wrist. Subluxations in the spine can compromise the delicate inner workings of any structure connected to it. To learn more about treating the whole body with chiropractic care, visit Abrams Chiropractic online at