Harley Street ENT Clinic

We aim to be a one-stop clinic where you can get specialist care from an experienced ENT surgeon. When you visit our state of the art ENT clinic in London, you will receive the highest quality care in a comfortable setting. We have all of the latest equipment and our own diagnostic lab where we can perform everything from endoscopy to microscopy. The Harley Hearing Centre within the ENT clinic is the place to get help with your hearing aids, while our in house pharmacy makes it easy to pick up your prescriptions. Our experienced team of ENT specialists can diagnose and treat all kinds of ear, nose and throat problems as well as balance and sleep disorders. Whether you need an ear specialist in London to help with your child’s recurring infections or a nose specialist who can tackle your snoring, our clinic can help. From your initial consultation to your final treatment, our ENT surgeons will be there to provide advice, answer your questions, and help you to feel better.