My Fitness Brain

A Fitness expert and entrepreneur, Michael Coovadia creates a step-by-step blueprint for success using unique, proven methods to get the busiest entrepreneur in great shape! My Fitness Brain; a global leader in health & fitness has announced an exclusive release of their flagship service, helping the busiest, most successful entrepreneurs take care of their health and fitness, all while building, scaling, and mastering their business. With more than 5 years of research and experience, a “first in industry” service was launched on April 1, 2021, taking the fitness and business industry by storm. Gone are the days of making excuses due to poor time management, being too busy, or not prioritizing health. My fitness brain aims to become the leader in global health and fitness for the leaders and entrepreneurs who lead in their respective industries. “Working with some of the most successful and influential entrepreneurs in the modern aged world, we were able to identify a solution to a problem which has haunted many entrepreneurs for years on end… time. We’ve methodically designed a step-by-step approach that eliminates any confusion, making the process so much easier to follow. We take the brain out of the entrepreneur so that you can focus on the business at hand, while, and we’ll do the thinking when it comes to your health and fitness.” This revolutionary system has been built into a 6-week course, highlighting every aspect of knowledge needed to be successful in the pursuit of maximum human potential. We believe that knowledge is the precursor to experience, so we have designed our entire course to give each entrepreneur the most crucial, detailed, and proven system which is guaranteed to get them one step closer to optimal health and peak physical condition. In today’s times, Covid is running rampant in the world. Taking adequate care of your physical and mental health is no longer a luxury but a necessity for each entrepreneur. Over the next few months, we will be accepting a limited number of the most successful entrepreneurs into our business, giving them a chance at becoming the very best versions of themselves possible. Due to the personal nature of this coaching program, there are only a limited number of slots available. Be sure to apply to us today, to secure your spot and qualify for a seat in this prestigious coaching program which will 10x your life, health and wealth and in return, 10x your business.