Personalised Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy is the use of foods, diets, fasting, supplements, functional foods and nutritional counseling, appraisal and support to assist people reach their health goals. Health aims can range from weight management to illness indication support, optimal sports function, eating for a healthy pregnancy and more. The primary focus of Nutritional Therapy is ‘Food as Medicine’, proof based interventions of diet and dietary habits to optimize health and wellness. The present swell of interest in diet and the accompanying advance in research have shown that we are all unique and nutritional modifications work most excellent when tailored to the individual. Naturopathic Nutritionists, as trained by Personalised Nutritional Therapy, are also mindful of how way of life and environmental factors impact the health of an individual, and stay this in mind when preparing natural health and wellness plans. The connection of Personalised Nutritional Therapy is a great place to discover a capable therapist in your area who incorporates both diet and lifestyle medicine into a well-rounded and independently tailored plan. We also have a Practitioners index which includes some of our Graduates.