Broadview Homes

Calgary's Broadview Homes Reveals This Year's Top Three New Home Design Trends

2020 has been a year of surprises and unexpected changes to people’s lifestyles. These changes are reflected in what new home buyers want when they build a new home says Calgary’s Broadview Homes.

Broadview Homes' New Research Reveals Calgary's Top 10 Most Popular New Home Upgrades

Knowing what home upgrades are most popular with new home buyers can be very useful for those buying a new home as well as real estate professionals. Calgary's Broadview Homes understands this well, recently conducting and releasing new research that revealed the top 10 most popular new home upgrades in Calgary over the last five years.

Broadview Homes Completes New Research Discovering Calgary's 5 Most Popular New Home Ensuite Upgrades with New Homebuyers

Master bathrooms are one of the more common rooms people building a new home choose to add upgrades. For those wondering, which ensuite upgrades are most popular in Calgary; local homebuilder Broadview Homes recently conducted research to come up with the answer. Going through their data of homeowners who had built with the company over the last five years, the new home builder was able to determine the top five most popular new home ensuite upgrades for their customers in Calgary.