Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Offer New Healthy Eating Plans as an Alternative to Processed Foods Contributing to Diabetes Complications and America's Obesity Epidemic

LogoNew Diet Doc hCG diets and healthy eating plans offer patients fast weight loss and an alternative to the unhealthy, processed foods contributing to diabetes complications and America’s obesity epidemic. The New York Times recently published an article reporting on a large meeting by many of the top producers of processed foods. These producers are concerned with the staggering obesity statistics facing Americans today and the impact that their processed foods have on the American public. Statistics show that more than half of the American adult population is now considered overweight and nearly a quarter of the American adult population fits within the clinical definition of obesity.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Diet Plans Designed for Women Resulting in Fast Weight Loss & More Satisfying Intimate Relationships

LogoThe effects of obesity are far-reaching and can even affect a woman's libido. Diet Doc customizes diet plans for women of all ages, shapes and sizes that are specific to individual needs, leading to increased confidence and better intimate relationships.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Works to Eliminate Negative Stigmas Associated with Obesity Through Safe and Rapid Weight Loss

LogoThe media often reports on negative stigmas associated with weight gain or obesity, but, until now, little research has been conducted to determine whether overweight or obese individuals who happen to be in a position of authority also experience similar negative stigmas. Unfortunately, overweight individuals and individuals qualifying under the clinical definition for obesity are vulnerable to stereotypes including that being overweight or obese indicates laziness, lack of willpower or lack of intelligence. These stereotypes have an effect in the workplace, health-care facilities, schools and personal relationships.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Announces Tailor-Made Diet Plans Targeting Those Who Have Been Unsuccessful at Weight Loss in the Past

LogoA recent in-house survey revealed that 97% of Diet Doc clients are reporting great results, most losing up to one pound per day when closely following the diet plan’s guidelines. Patients generally notice a loss of excess weight in the typically difficult and most stubborn areas of the body, such as the underarms, hips, thighs and belly. By providing each client with the benefit of decades of scientific research, the expertise of a staff of specially trained fast weight loss professionals, and by supplying clients with customized diet plans which are specific to individual nutritional requirements combined with pure prescription hCG, Diet Doc's diet plans may very well be the last diet that clients will need to attempt, granting respite from fad and yo-yo dieting. Diet Doc’s prescription hCG diet plans focus on support during weight loss, effective treatment, and up to a year of complimentary consultations after the weight has disappeared.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announce Prescription Diet Plans Aimed at Encouraging Healthy Food Choices to Reduce the Risk of Developing Gallstones

LogoThe gallbladder, a small, pear-shaped organ located beneath the liver, functions to store and release bile which aids digestion. Studies have revealed that those that suffer from obesity may produce high levels of cholesterol; leading to the over-production of bile, which itself contains more cholesterol than can be dissolved. Gallstones, which are generated from this cholesterol overload, are clusters of solid material that form in the gallbladder for a variety of reasons, including obesity, and may occur as one large stone or many small stones varying in size from golf ball-size to those as small as a grain of sand. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are hospitalized annually and undergo surgery as a result of this extremely painful condition. Diet Doc has created prescription strength, medically supervised hCG diet plans that are proven to achieve fast weight loss safely, as well as offer nutritional tools and education in the development of healthy food choices to enjoy enduring weight loss success and to avoid the development of gallstones.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Now Utilize Telemedicine to Provide Patients with Easy Access to the Nation's Leading Weight Loss System

LogoDiet Doc hCG diets now utilizes the expansive reach of the internet to provide more patients with access to the nation’s most comprehensive weight loss system. In an article just published by Everyday Health, the effectiveness of online medical treatment, or telemedicine, for patients with Parkinson’s disease was found to be just as effective as in-person medical care and provided patients with easier access to health care and specialists largely practicing in major cities. Like those patients seeking help with Parkinson’s disease, many patients seeking treatment for their weight may not have immediate access to in-person care or may even feel embarrassed to seek out face to face treatment for their weight. Weight loss treatment through telemedicine connects those patients without access, or who experience embarrassment because of weight gain, to Diet Doc physicians, nurses and nutritionists that can help achieve easy, fast weight loss as well as a healthy change in lifestyle.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Introduces Prescription hCG Diet Plan with More Calories Permitted Daily

LogoOne of the only concerns that dieters and physicians express when considering the hCG diet is the restrictive daily calorie allowance often prescribed by diet practitioners. Nearly all hCG diet plans that claim to be “modernized” actually still adhere to the outdated Dr. Simeons hCG protocol, allowing only 500 calories consumed daily and often leading to malnourishment despite the proficiency of pure hCG to mobilize fat stores and avert malnutrition. With the utmost concern for patient health, Diet Doc has designed a modernized version of the powerful hCG diet; not simply allowing more calories to patients, but providing improved nutritional content for optimal health during dieting. Diet Doc refers to this hCG protocol as the “modernized hCG diet plan”, still capable of producing fast weight loss, but without health concerns usually associated with an outdated, often derided 500 calorie Simeons diet.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Now Lower the Risk of High Blood Pressure Through Weight Loss Diets That Reduce Hormones Associated with Obesity

LogoThe number one goal of Diet Doc’s new and improved prescription hCG weight loss diets is to rid clients of potential risks associated with being overweight or obese, including high blood pressure and heart disease. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to permanent disability, poor quality of life, or even a fatal heart attack.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Provides an Inside Look at the Nation's Leading Medically Supervised Prescription hCG Diet Plans

LogoDiet Doc has researched hCG and its relationship to fast weight loss. Significant modifications and improvements have been made to the original hCG diet, originally proposed in 1954 by Dr. A. Simeons. By increasing the allowable daily caloric intake, providing patients with nutritionist-designed personalized diet plans, and offering only pure prescription strength hCG, Diet Doc assures the safest and most successful weight loss experience for each client. Diet Doc takes great pride in offering Americans an extremely safe and effective method of fast weight loss by individually designing hCG diet plans for each patient, only utilizing pure hCG that is manufactured in FDA approved pharmacies in the United States using the highest manufacturing standards.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces Customized hCG Diet Plans, Equally Effective Yet Less Costly Than Invasive Bariatric Surgery

LogoDiet Doc utilizes a powerful natural hormone to mobilize fat stores in the body, capable of producing equal to or greater results than invasive and risky bariatric surgery without the associated complications of an intrusive medical procedure. Bariatric surgery can carry a price tag of over $30,000 and has no shortage of possible side effects including infection, gastric distress, and malnutrition. A Diet Doc prescription hCG diet can produce the same weight loss, yet relies only on the body’s natural ability to lose weight with a strictly adhered to nutrition plan and pure hCG treatments. The average Diet Doc hCG diet plan costs only a few hundred dollars, yet includes everything a patient needs to begin the journey to a healthier life by losing weight today.