Diet Doc Weight Loss

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Released the Nation's First Prescription-Only 7-Keto DHEA

LogoAmerica’s most popular doctor, Ahmet Oz, proclaims 7-Keto DHEA one of the best supplements to increase metabolism and to lose unhealthy, unwanted belly fat without side effects. When coupled with Diet Doc’s prescription strength hCG diet plan, patients are reporting an average of over one pound per day of fat loss. DHEA is a hormone that is produced by glands located near the kidneys. 7-Keto is a natural byproduct of DHEA. DHEA functions to increase metabolism and heat production resulting in the body burning stored fat. As the body ages, the metabolism slows down and oftentimes resulting in unwanted weight gain. preposition

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Shares New Secrets to Fast Weight Loss Success

LogoDiet Doc realizes that a key ingredient in achieving fast weight loss is having a positive support system. When receiving treatment from Diet Doc, patients know that unlimited support is only a phone call or an email away with specially trained weight loss professionals available 6 days per week to offer unlimited support, consultation, guidance and encouragement.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Introduces New Electrolyte Imbalance Capsules for Restorative Benefits During Weight Loss

LogoMaintaining a proper electrolyte balance during dieting is critical to a healthy and safe weight loss diet. Sodium and potassium are two very important electrolytes in the human body and play an essential role in maintaining proper bodily function. Sodium regulates the amount of water in the body, helping to produce electrical signals.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Announces Top Tips to Assure a Safe and Healthy Weight Loss Experience

LogoMost articles featuring weight loss tips focus on caloric intake and food and there is, in fact, a good amount of scientific evidence explaining the relationship between calorie intake versus calories burned. Diet Doc’s prescription hCG works to force the body to trigger and burn stored fat when used in conjunction with their customized diet plan. Diet Doc provides patients an all-inclusive diet program, offering patients not just fast weight loss, but the education and information to continue to maintain a healthy weight well after the initial fat has disappeared. By following the guidance of Diet Doc’s experts, clients can learn to avoid “grazing” and refrigerator raiding. The company's prescription hCG program is not a starvation diet that could be potentially harmful to one’s health, but rather a total diet plan emphasizing healthy nutritious meals with protein and low glycemic vegetables and fruits that stay within the hCG dietary and calorie guidelines.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Announces New Customized Diet Plans Guaranteed to Produce Fast Weight Loss.

LogoDiet Doc has become the leader in medically supervised hCG diet plans and has helped thousands enjoy a future of improved health by losing pounds and inches. Experts agree that losing as little as 10-20 pounds can improve health and reduce the risk of weight related diseases. Diet Doc offers customized diet plans for those struggling to take off that last 10 pounds to those that need to lose 100 pounds or more. Diet Doc’s dedicated and specially trained fast weight loss staff is available 6 days per week for consults and to offer unlimited support, guidance and encouragement, helping to assure each patient’s successful and healthy weight loss experience.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Announces Medically Supervised, Customized Diet Plans Guaranteed to Promote Healthy and Fast Weight Loss

LogoDiet Doc is not just a diet, but rather an all-inclusive fast weight loss plan, offering patients the opportunity to enjoy a lifetime free from the burden of unhealthy, cumbersome, and embarrassing excess fat. Diet Doc’s professional staff is passionate in their dedication to the medically safe and fast weight loss experience of each client and works in collaboration from beginning to end. With so much support, and such a sophisticated diet plan, patients are practically guaranteed to lose weight fast while on a prescription hCG diet plan. The company offers the only modern day version of the original hCG diet and has helped thousands of Americans lose weight quickly and safely with prescription hCG. The company will customize diet plans for those struggling to lose that last 10 pounds as well as patients needing to lose 100 pounds or more.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets and Weight Loss Plans Announces the Difference Between "the Hormone Diet" and Diet Doc's Prescription hCG Diet Plans

LogoThere is much hype surrounding hormones and weight gain and an internet search for a “hormone diet” will produce two very opposite types of diets. The first claims that hormone imbalance may be the culprit for those suffering from fatigue, memory loss and weight gain. The premise of this diet is that by practicing healthier eating habits and losing weight, the dieter will bring hormone levels back into balance. Dr. Natasha Turner, founder of “The Hormone Diet” claims that “Hormones dictate every aspect of weight loss, from appetite cravings to how well you burn and where you store fat, yet 80% to 90% of adults are hormonally imbalanced.” Although there are beneficial and healthy aspects to this diet, including stress reduction, sleep deprivation avoidance, exercise and eating healthier foods, many critics agree that this theory is not based on solid scientific evidence and cannot be scientifically proven as one’s hormones are constantly in a state of dynamic flux. Dr. Turner’s “Hormone Diet” promises the dieter a cure to a variety of problems and diseases, as well as restoring sleep, resulting in glowing skin and healthier hair - all while losing weight.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Announces the Nation's Leading Physician Supervised Prescription hCG Diet Plan

LogoResearch is revealing more information about the association between obesity and serious health consequences, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even some forms of cancer. Diet Doc’s prescription hCG diet plan is proven successful in providing clients a modern, safe and effective method to lose weight fast and to enjoy a future of improved health.

HCG Treatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Introduce New Low Carbohydrate, Low Fat, and Low Calorie Diet Brownies

LogoChocolate is known to provide comfort during both happy and stressful times and chocolate cravings can be all-consuming. Diet Doc is pleased to introduce new 2 oz. diet brownies, yet another delicious and nutritious treat to their already impressive collection of diet foods.

hCGTreatments / Diet Doc hCG Diets & Weight Loss Plans Offer a Proven, Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program to Boost the Body's Immune Response and Combat Infections, Such as Parasitic Worms

LogoDiet Doc provides medical weight loss for patients across the country that is shown to boost the immune system with a healthy diet and effective weight loss.