
Hale Koolau Provides a Different Type of Vacation for Those Visiting the State

According to the Hawaii Tourism Authority, 8,028,744 visited the state of Hawaii in 2012, staying an average of 9.28 days. Visitors frequently chose Oahu as their main destination, thanks to the many attractions to be found on the island. "Sadly, many only see the tourist side of the island when there is a great deal more to see and do if you choose to make use of condos north shore Oahu or other Hawaii beachfront vacation rentals," David Moyer of Hale Koolau explains.

Hale Koolau Offers Accommodations for Those Looking to Simplify Life

According to Hawaii Gaga, February holds the highest occupancy rate for vacation rentals, based on statistics collected from September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009. January comes in second and March in third, with September having the lowest month of occupancy. "Visitors to the islands find information such as this to be helpful when planning their trip and choosing Oahu north shore house rentals as Hawaii is a beautiful place to visit any time of year, yet many wish to avoid crowds," David Moyer of Hale Koolau declares.