Salesforce Gets Cloud Contact Center Update

LogoA new update to Salesforce cloud contact center released in October this year is giving users access to a new range of tools and functionality to more fully support customer service needs. The new swathe of services provides access to, among other things, AI tools for analysing voice conversations and AI bots for call routing. There are also tools for workforce management and survey management and AI bots for self service. The fresh updates are a prime example of the way that Salesforce is continually striving to improve its products and services to create a more comprehensive and effective experience for users. It's likely that this will be just another step in the continuous evolution that Salesforce is committed to.

Mark Zuckerberg Announces Meta Salesforce CRM Partnership

LogoWe are increasingly experiencing a shift towards customer service that happens via text, so it's no surprise to see partnerships between CRM platforms and text services. In September this year, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Meta and Salesforce CRM would be collaborating in order to give Salesforce customers more opportunity to work with WhatsApp. As a result of the potential partnership, it will be possible for Salesforce CRM customers to start using WhatsApp to create a smooth and seamless experience for customers. Given that Salesforce is the largest CRM platform in the world, the partnership with Meta - the owner of the biggest social media platform in the world - makes a lot of sense.

Salesforce Launch Carbon Credit Marketplace

LogoCarbon credits have become popular with businesses working towards net zero targets. Now, Salesforce has launched a carbon credit marketplace designed to democratise the process of acquiring carbon credits and offer the opportunity to buy these credits from a credible partner with third party verification. Although the marketplace has been built on Salesforce's Commerce Cloud, it will be open to companies that are not Salesforce customers to make purchases of carbon credits via the platform. Transparency has been the key driving force behind the Salesforce carbon credit marketplace, and it has been a priority to ensure that there is openness inherent in the way individuals and organisations can support carbon projects through the platform.