
Internet Marketers Noticing Search Traffic Is a Strong SEO Signal

Higher Rankings means attracting more visitors. Websites who have higher rankings will also have a higher CTR (Click Through Rate) which means the amount of clicks against a particular keyword. It is important to see that the CTR is always high as low CTRs can drag down the quality score and affect the rankings. It's an authority signal. If a website gets the most clicks for a keyword, it gets the most authority, that's how it works! Viewers need to be inspired to click on a certain URL with seemingly infinite choices for any given keyword search. Then, Google also looks at factors such as how long the visitor is staying on the websites and how many pages they are browsing per session. Do the people who choose to click on a URL in the search results genuinely desire to know more about the business?

Serpify Highlights Importance of Quality Website Traffic

Traffic is very important for websites and online businesses, but what kind of traffic is best? It is crucial to remember that not all types of traffic are actually beneficial, and some traffic can be irrelevant and actually have a negative impact. At quality traffic is not as easy as it seems to be. There's really two options, one is organic search engine optimization and the other is paid search placements. Regardless of the route people take, it's often a lengthy and costly investment to get the traffic that's likely to convert. When going the organic route, now more than ever the organic search CTR plays a large role in the position of site in the search index.

Yet Another Fiverr Success Story, Serpify

Serpify, a breakthrough solution to improve ranking and generate high quality traffic was designed by an enthusiastic team that consists of Justin Smith, Roshan Sethia and Marco Giacinti. All of them have actively used as a medium to offer their professional, technical and creative services. While Justin's focus has always been creative marketing services, Roshan has offered PHP development services and Marco offers C# development services. has been a blessing for the Serpify team, it has served as a means to connect this team and help them join forces in to what is now known as Serpify. “Roshan and I have worked together for a couple of years now. We met in 2011 on Fiverr and have since founded multiple software and service ventures. When people think “social networking” they think Facebook and Twitter, but we’ve learned it’s platforms like that truly connect productive folks like us”, says Justin Smith, co-founder of Serpify.

Serpify Traffic Exchange Launch Is a Huge Success

Traffic Quality also plays an important role apart from other factors for improved search engine ranking such as quality content, on-page optimization, social signals, link and page quality. To generate quality traffic, websites need a system that can generate high quality traffic. Not just any traffic but traffic that is preferred by Google. Serpify is a Cloud Delegated Crowd Sourced Traffic wherein it performs the searches for keywords, finds the pages in the search results, visits the website for at least 5 minutes and browses multiple pages on the site at random intervals. “We were expecting a successful launch, but we had no idea we’d grow to nearly 600 users in just a few days time. This launch has been everything we expected and more”, says Roshan Sethia, co-founder Serpify when asked about the launch of SERPIFY.