Omron Healthcare

Calorie Traps in the Advent Period This Is One Way to Avoid the Most Dangerous Ones


Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/12/2011 -- Advent period is famous from crunching and mincing! Potato cakes, cookies, baked fish, mulled wine and so on - sweet, salty and especially high-calorie foods are lurking around us on every corner. The calorie traps are troubling our conscience, but mostly, we can justify the great taste, because Christmastime is only once a year. Respecting a few tips everybody can avoid the worst calorie bombs and also the embarrassing moments with the away breaking and jumping trousers knob.

It’s a pity if somebody does sport whole year long looking for a perfect shape and at Christmastime eats without limits, easily taking up some kilos on the hip. Fortunately that is not obligatory, just follow a few tips and the biggest calorie traps can be avoided and the tastes really enjoyed. Most dangerous areas are the Christmas markets because the selections of delicates are mostly great. One serving of potato pancakes with applesauce may already have around 700 calories, a crepe with Nutella totals up to 400 calories. Mostly we cannot resign from the taste of the potato cake and we do not have to. If we absorb with a napkin the dripping fat it means at least one teaspoon less fat in the stomach. In case of crepes, if we use powder sugar some extra energy can be saved. A tarte flambée can be a delicious and lower calorie alternative for both. Learn to take as little chocolate as possible, because most of the calories are in it.

Another seductive shape killer is the freshly roasted almond. Such a delicious bag counts more than 500 calories. Also very tasty, but much lower in calories are chestnuts. Regarding the obvious junk foods like sausage, baked fish and fried potatoes, you can calculate with 500-800 kcal. per servings. Try an alternative: Prague ham or kebab with lots of vegetables and little meat to avoid high calorie consumption.

Donuts and stolen are the deserts on the top of the calorie table. A slice of stolen takes at least 300 kcal., a normal portion of donuts can reach 810 calories! That is why we should avoid these delicious deserts.

The popular mulled wine is a real shape killer because of its sugar content. A shot hot drink hits the impressive 250 calories level. Many stands also offer apple cider, which contains less calories, though a good alternative. Nevertheless, mulled wine is still the lower calorie variant compared to Lumumba with cream (380 kcal) or eggnog (320 calories) that contains more sugar. A very bad combination is fatty food and alcohol together because alcohol influences the breakdown of fat in the body. – This mixture is the biggest enemy for our shape.

The best method in the Advent period against the extra kilos can be, if we mind on our food and do sports continuously. Even in the cold season there are many opportunities for sporting. Keep fit and fight againt the laziness. For other useful tips in perspective sports, healthy living, special recipes and information, surf on

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