Fushi Wellbeing Ltd

Myths and Facts About Cosmetics

The cosmetic industry is one of the biggest and most lucrative. But do we really know what we put on our skin and whether the products really do what they say.


London, England -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/24/2012 -- There are millions of beauty and skin care products available in the market. Do we really know whether these are regulated and the ingredients use have been strictly adhered to according to government regulations. Well the scenario is slightly different. The fact is that cosmetics companies may use any ingredient or raw material, except for colour additives and a few prohibited substances, without government review or approval.

So it may be that we are at times taken in by the strong powerful marketing of beauty products and paying premium prices for ingredients that may not always be as safe as we may think. These days though there is much awareness on ingredients and consumers do read the ingredients information and like to know what they are putting onto their skin. Parabens and sulphates and other skin nasties are now recognised names and many consumers choose to avoid these. However this is just in the West, in Asia the beauty market is able to get away with many more harsh chemicals a part of their ingredient portfolio.

Even though lotions and creams may not contain enough nasties that will successfully penetrate the skin, we are exposed by breathing in sprays and powders, swallowing chemicals on the lips or hands or absorbing them through the skin. Studies have found health problems in people exposed to common fragrance and sunscreen ingredients. Sticking to organic beauty products means we are safer. At least where our skin is concerned, however there are now many lifestyle products and cleaning products that are manufactured using natural ingredients and chemical free formulas.

According to the article on ewg skin database .org, products made for children or stating claims like “hypoallergenic” are safer choices. However the fact is that most cosmetic marketing claims are unregulated, and companies are rarely if ever required to back them up, even for children products. Always ask the brand you buy from to back their claims. Some sort of certification helps, like an organic or ethical certification. At least this gives credibility and a third organisation was involved in regulating the product.

To fight skin pollutants and the chemical in our harsh environs, you can also use herbal remedies to boost antioxidants and fight free radicals that cause aging and disease. There are so many vitamin packed oils as well like Sesame seed oil, for example. Sesame seed oil is packed full of antioxidants, vitamin E. It can also provide a barrier between your delicate skin and the polluted environs, shielding your complexion from pollutants in the air. Other good oils for the skin also include the wonderful anti aging Argan oil. Packed with vitamin E it helps fade away fines lines and works as a super night oil treatment for more matured skins.