Dragao Porto

Dragao Porto Comments on Twisted Waves That Could Boost Capacity of Wi-Fi and TV


Porto, Portugal -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/27/2012 -- A striking demonstration of a means to boost the information-carrying capacity of radio waves has taken place across the lagoon in Venice, Italy. The technique exploits what is called the "orbital angular momentum" of the waves - imparting them with a "twist". The approach is described in the New Journal of Physics, could be applied to radio, wi-fi, and television. Our source from Dragao Porto has said “This is another fantastic breakthrough for technology designed to make watching TV and using the wi-fi more efficient for the every day users. The twists will permit many data streams to fit the frequency spread normally used for just one” The parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that are used for all three are split up in roughly the same way, with a spread of frequencies allotted to each channel.

A perfect analogy is the Earth-Sun system. The Earth spins on its axis, manifesting spin angular momentum; at the same time orbits the Sun, manifesting orbital angular momentum. The key lies in the distinction between the orbital and spin angular momentum of electromagnetic waves. The "particles" of light known as photons can carry both types; the spin angular momentum of photons is better known through the idea of polarisation, which some sunglasses and 3-D glasses exploit. Professor Thide and his colleagues have been thinking about the idea for many years, last year they published an article in Nature Physics showing that spinning black holes could produce such "twisted" light. Professor Thide told BBC News, "It's exactly the same place that Galileo first demonstrated his telescope to the authorities in Venice, 400 years ago, They were not convinced at all; they could see the moons of Jupiter but they said, 'They must be inside the telescope, it can't possibly be like that.”A source for Dragao Porto has said “There is always room for improvement with technology especially in the 21st Century, everyday we hear of another design created to improve our technical appliances, 3-D remains very popular as scientists are still finding ways to make it better these ‘Twists’ highlight how 3-D remains so popular”

In the simplest case, putting a twist on the waves is as easy as putting a twist into the dish that sends the signal. The team split one side of a standard satellite-type dish and separated the two resulting edges. Crowds were treated to projections beamed onto the Palazzo Ducale explaining the experiment, and then a display of the message “signal received" when the experiment worked. Professor Thide said "For me it was obvious this would work," he said. "Maxwell's equations that govern electromagnetic fields are... the most well tested laws of physics that we have.” “"We did this because other people wanted us to demonstrate it." Our source for Dragao Porto said “This is just the beginning, Today it was ‘twists’ tomorrow who knows! It will be exciting to sit back now and watch to see what new design will be released next” The results could radically change just how much information and speed can be squeezed out of the crowded electromagnetic spectrum, applied to radio and television as well as wi-fi and perhaps even mobile phones.


