Mile Long Advertising

The Worlds First Mile Long Advertising Billboard Becomes A Reality


London, England -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/28/2009 -- The world’s first mile long billboard becomes reality. This quirky and unusual idea of the 'Mile Long Advertising' website [] is the first advertising billboard that stretches a whole continuous virtual mile. The billboard is made up of over 5300 individual Internet banners advertising thousands of brands, websites, businesses, blogs and individuals and totals 160,934.4 centimetres in length. In other words, should you print the image to scale, it would run a whole mile.

Mile Long Advertising has been set up by Joe Trinder and Sam Kendall looking to achieve many goals with their advertising billboard. The prime motivation behind the creation is to raise money for the couple to marry but additionally donate to five important worldwide charities and make Internet and advertising history.

Mile Long Advertising is pleased to announce that the billboard is looking to set a new Guinness world record as being the longest billboard of its type in history and the first to achieve an actual mile in distance. The billboard is the first of its kind. Any website owner, business, blog or individual is welcomed to help achieve this milestone by advertising for life on the billboard and being part of Internet history. Advertisers look to gain valuable traffic from potential millions of visitors, increasing awareness of their web presence as a result of the Mile Long Advertising website.

Each advertiser has a banner that measures 200 x 1057 pixels. There are a total of 5365 banners lined up together, meaning the whole billboard image stretches 5,670,805 pixels in length. That's the equivalent of three and a half Empire State Buildings tall!

"We're really excited to finally start the mile long billboard after so much preparation. It's a big project that can help so many businesses, individual people and charities. It will be a huge achievement for us once completed." Sam Kendall.

Come and see our achievement so far and join in as Mile Long Advertising is now live.