Christianity Today Considers Advocate USA Publishing Offer of Reprints of Spirit Thinking

Christianity Today recently laid off 31 workers and closed four publications in June of 2009.


Dallas, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/09/2009 -- Advocate USA Publishing has offered cash-strapped Christianity Today the rights of reprints of Dr. Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed., MPM’s Spirit Thinking: Your 30 Day Guide to Enlightenment. The rights to the presentation of the work in format of series comes when Christianity Today is looking for cost effective quality content.

“We hope to reach an equitable agreement with Christianity Today, to provide them with valid, quality content in exchange for simple new readership exposure for Reece Manley’s Spirit Thinking work,” says Rick Setter, president of Advocate USA Publishing.

“Spirit Thinking is a unique approach to changing lives through changing thinking,” says Dr. Craig Williams, MD, PhD. “The first work of its kind to combine proven cognitive psychology tenants with specific spiritual principles, Spirit Thinking delivers a straight forward, easy-to-use plan for any reader.

The program has been proven to be effective in reducing depression, anxiety, PTSD and addiction disorders. In addition, it is a great way to increase self image and self-esteem. “

Christianity Today recently laid off 31 workers and closed four publications in June of 2009. The management team is scrambling to shore up the CTI flagships such as Christianity Today. The offer from Advocate USA Publishing comes had a fortuitous time.

“We are newly established and newly funded,” says Setter, “We can afford to make such an offer because the strength of the remaining CTI is rich in the progressive Christian readers our works are designed to attract.” More comments can be had from Rick Setter at or 1-800-936-0812.

The author, Reece W. Manley, DD, M.Ed., MPM, reports as being completely satisfied with the terms of the offer. Christianity Today did not immediately return calls to comment.

Reece Manley
Spirit Thinking
Dallas, Texas