The Attorney Marketing Phenomenon


Orlando, FL -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/24/2009 -- A leading Tampa attorney, Darrin Mish has successfully integrated two sectors of business that rarely have much to do with each other, Legal services and Marketing. Traditionally, lawyers hardly emphasize marketing in their business and you would be hard pressed to find a marketer marketing legal services. Until now.

Mention SEO, SEM, PPC, PPV, CPA (no, that's not Certified Public Accountant), PR (not Public Relations, either) or SERP to any lawyer and you would either conjure up a befuddled look or one of disdain, usually from the ignorant and the intolerant respectively. All those acronyms exist in the world of the Internet not the world of Law. However, today an increasing number of lawyers are realizing that the Internet, undoubtedly the world's greatest communication tool, can give lawyers unprecedented exposure to their businesses in front of a millions of prospective clients. But the natural question in every lawyer's mind is, "How do I utilize the power of the Internet to market my legal services?" The answer to that is Attorney Marketing or Lawyer Marketing.

But is Attorney Marketing on the Internet done by just putting up a website? Ask any Internet marketer and he will tell you that "Set it up and they will come" is the biggest fallacy in Internet marketing since the inception of the Internet. If it is not that simple, then what exactly is Attorney Marketing or Lawyer Marketing?

Mr. Darrin Mish, a tax attorney based in Tampa, Florida has the answer.

Mr. Mish runs his own law firm in Tampa, the Law Offices of Darrin T. Mish PA. Having been in legal practice for 16 years and represented clients in more than 2,500 cases, Mr. Mish is rated a maximum 10 on the Avvo rating, an independent lawyer rating agency set up to help people find the best and most suitable lawyer for their legal needs.

He also has set up a website ‘helping lawyers achieve their dreams. Simply put, this website gives lawyers the key to optimizing their lawfirm's website, making it rank higher in Google's search engine results thereby getting what every lawyer wants more of - clients.

Recently, Darrin spoke to a group of 22 lawyers at the Rainmaker Retreat in Orlando, Florida on October 23-24. They were all eager to learn about Internet Marketing and Darrin obliged by speaking about Advanced Internet Marketing and Search Engine Optimization for lawfirms. Such a gathering will surely be but one of the first of many more to come.

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