
Divissima Invents the web Personal Shopper


Bareggio, Via Torino -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/01/2010 -- In these times of economic crisis, Divissima – the Italian mini-bikini brand – has invented a new professional role: the “web personal shopper” and has launched a new career path for people on the Internet.

The idea is simply an extension of the Divissima Promoter, professionals who promote Divissima products mainly through the Web. The role focuses on social networking sites, chatrooms and blogs, with potential new clients directed to Divissima.it. Here they can buy garments from the Divissima collection ranging from mini-bikinis to g-strings and from fashion garments (sarongs, mini-outfits, tops, hot pants, etc) to the new range of mini-thongs, with discounts using the promoter personal code. The same code allows the promoter to accumulate commissions.

As web personal shoppers, Divissima Promoters take a step up the career ladder, becoming professional consultants for clients’ on-line shopping. Like a personal shopper in the real world, Divissima web personal shoppers are experts in on-line shopping, know about the range and offers available, how to choose the best products based on client needs and how to negotiate the lowest prices, providing an indispensable service for people who can’t or don’t know how to surf the web effectively.

Divissima offers web personal shoppers effective training as Divissima Promoters, providing tools to gain the expertise needed for independent business and to open the way to future career success.