Best-Selling Author Eddie Smith & Marketing Expert Kenn Renner Present Book-Writing Seminar in Austin

Book Writing Coach and Author Eddie Smith will give advice on how to write and publish a book at his upcoming seminar in Austin.


Austin, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/26/2010 -- While statistics show the 86 percent of the population wants to publish a book, Best-selling Author and Book Writing Coach Eddie Smith says the majority of those dreams get lost in translation from the head to paper.

Smith is offering individuals in the Austin area the help they need to move from writer’s block to a published, full-length book with his seminar, “How to Write a Book and Get It Published,” at the Keller Williams Lake Travis Market Center March 26–27. Smith says people often have trouble beginning the writing process and get lost when it comes to producing an entire manuscript.

“As a best-selling Christian writer and writer's coach, I constantly meet folks who want to write a book. People often confide, ‘I’m going to write a book someday;’ or ‘I’ve been writing a book over the past several years;’ or ‘I tried writing a book once..,’” says Smith.

Smith says writing a book can boost an individual’s credibility in the market and in turn increase their business in whatever market in which they work.

“Writing a book on your specialty moves you to a new level of respect—after all—you wrote the book,” he says.Smith says he offers people the tools they need in order to write and publish a full-length book.

“With my system I wrote four, full-length books in one year alone,” Smith says. “All were published by major publishers.”
Topics covered at the seminar include how to produce a manuscript, how to work with a traditional publishing company, how to self-publish a book traditionally, new ways to self-publish a book and creative marketing.

On recent student of Smith’s method had this to say: "Eddie is entertaining, enjoyable, and very knowledgeable.Thank you!"
Co-host of the seminar and President of Royal Press International Publishing Kenn Renner is the author of the soon to be published “First Time Home Buying Secrets Revealed.”

“The overwhelming consensus is that people want to work with specialists – and what better way to establish yourself as the authority then to have your own nationally-published book. Whether you are in real estate, the mortgage industry, or any business where you want to go to the next level in your career – a book will further establish your credibility.” Renner says.

The seminar will be held Friday night from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. and Saturday from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. at Keller Williams Lake Travis Market Center, 1921 Lohmans Crossing, Ste. 100 in Austin, Texas. Cost is $197 and an additional family member gets in free. Registration includes a personal critique of a manuscript, 90 days of personal e-mail coaching and many additional writing resources.

“At the end of the day Saturday, if this seminar isn’t everything I’ve said, and people aren’t absolutely pleased, I’ll refund their registration fee, no questions asked,” Smith says.

Call 512-423-5626 or go to for more information or to register.

Press Release written and submitted by Press Release Marketing Firm

About Eddie Smith:
An internationally known Christian speaker, best selling author, ministry consultant, and life coach. Eddie specializes in coaching writers. Eddie’s strategic insights provide attendees a roadmap to getting their book published in less than 30 days.

Royal Press International Publishing:
At Royal Press International Publishing, we specialize in the marketing and promoting of your book, not just publishing it and sending you on your way. We have partnered with Intermedia Distribution who will support the teams’ effort by providing the distribution arm to get your book properly distributed. We provide all the services, guidance, and ongoing support you need to successfully master every aspect of the publishing process. Learn more at our website at

Media Contact
Kenn Renner
Royal Press International
1921 Lohman's Crossing
Austin, TX 78734
512-423-5626 (Call/Text)