Tax Effective Accountants

Financial Education Tops Employee Benefits Wish List


Sydney, NSW -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/05/2010 -- Financial education is now rated as the most valuable employee benefit, particularly among people over 40.

All you have to do is take a walk through the workplace and listen to what people are talking about. You’ll hear things like, is this investment better than that, should I buy property or shares, did you know that you can buy a property inside your super, what about negative gearing and salary sacrifice, should I put more money into super?

The impact of the global financial crisis has also created fear and uncertainty in the minds of most working Australians and reconfirmed the importance of financial education and advice. The fact is, personal finances can be scary and is complicated. It’s made up of many different components from personal taxes and investment strategies to investment choice, finance and tax structures. And they’re all intertwined. Each component impacts the other.

To make the problem worse, most professionals and senior executives lack the time and/or expertise to make the most effective financial decisions and as a result aren’t achieving the financial and lifestyle results they desire. They know what they want to achieve, but they feel paralysed and frustrated and are crying out to their employers for help.

Workplace financial education isn’t just about providing information. It gives employees the tools and confidence to make the right decisions to achieving positive financial outcomes which have a direct impact on their personal lives. Hence, it’s a life benefit.

Tax Effective’s Financial Wellbeing program provides employees with access to high level, quality financial education and services that create a win-win situation for employers and employees. By encouraging employees to achieve better financial and lifestyle outcomes employers are reaping the benefits of a more efficient workplace and this is sending a positive message to their employees.

Financial Education is fast becoming ‘best practice’ among industry leaders who want a productive and profitable workforce.

CEO Shahin Saracoglu comments:

“Our success as a business is the result of our focus on delivering high-quality Financial Education and exceptional customer service. We build a strong relationship with organisations and translate their needs and business objectives into an accessible program that will have a huge impact on the lives of their employees.

Now’s the time for employers to invest in their staff and provide them with the tools they need to manage their money more effectively. In a competitive jobs market where skilled employees are in high demand, it’s important to provide real life benefits which will help organisations attract and retain the best people which in turn help them achieve greater business outcomes.”

Tax Effective Accountants
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