Joe Bragg

EasyGoogleFax Publishes New Reviews and Guides to Help People Find the Best Gmail Fax Providers Available

Easy Google Fax has created a new resource center for those looking to be able to fax via email, including detailed guides, product reviews and more.


San Francisco, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/25/2015 -- Fax machines, in the modern era, seem like they have already reached arcane status thanks to the rapid development of associated technologies. Nevertheless, many people still require the ability to send faxes and don't want to invest in a purpose built machine. Fortunately, it is now possible to send faxes using Gmail with plug-in software from third party providers. Easy Google Fax is a website dedicated to helping people discover ways in which they can do just that and they have recently added new reviews to their resource center.

Easy Google Fax includes a handy how-to guide on how to go about setting up an email to fax system using Gmail. It also includes recommended providers of the plug-in software drawn from their extensive email fax service reviews, and information on their standard rates and processes.

What's more, these services enable individuals not only to send faxes but to receive them as well, with a fax number that can be sent out and put on business cards, but nevertheless ensures the faxes themselves are delivered directly to the inbox. This ingenious time saving measure ensures individuals and businesses are always on top of their documentation.

A spokesperson for Easy Google Fax explained, "We are aiming to make it as easy as possible for people so they never have to buy another fax machine. Email fax services have finally found a way to make sending and receiving faxes as easy via email as it is via machine. The difference is that email is accessible everywhere, including on phone and tablet, and so faxes can be sent from everywhere, not just in the one office. Our site includes product reviews that help people make informed consumer decisions and detailed how to guides to make sure there's nothing intimidating about the process."

About Easy Google Fax
Easy Google Fax is a website aimed at helping people to discover how to fax from Gmail, and finally say goodbye to big fax machines. They answer questions from people wanting to try out this new technology and provide reviews of the top rated services, to ensure that people are left with more options than had before, without the need for the unwieldy equipment.

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