Future Market Insights

Vaginal Applicators Markett Global Demand, Growth, Opportunities, Top Key Players and Forecast to 2029


Valley Cottage, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/23/2019 -- Global Vaginal Applicators Market: Market

Vaginal applicators are used to apply cream in the vaginal area. The vaginal applicator can be filled with a designated amount of cream and provides an easy and comfortable product application. The dosage marking on the vaginal applicators range from 1 gram to 5 grams. Disposable vaginal applicators are also available and are used to apply hormone creams, yeast creams and vaginal moisturizers. Usage instructions are provided in the product package stating weather the vaginal applicator is disposable or can be reused. Vaginal applicators are expertly designed for cervical cancer and endometrial cancer. Vaginal applicators help in the treatment of gynecological cancer. The vaginal applicator set provides four channels for miniaturized x-ray source to deliver high dosage rate with low energy radiation treatment. Vaginal applicators provide attractive option to patients and physicians with enhanced precision, flexibility and personalization. Vaginal applicators are an ideal choice for the uniform distribution of vaginal cream and gel formulations. It is observed that vaginal applicators with one apical hole do not distribute vaginal formulations homogeneously and do not cover the entire vaginal and cervical area. Manufacturers are producing vaginal applicators with multiple apical holes that distributes the vaginal formulations homogeneously. Women are up to eight times more susceptible than men to acquire sexually transmitted infections and therefore the market for vaginal applicators is expected to rise during the forecast period.

Global Vaginal Applicators Market: Dynamics

Originally vaginal applicators were designed to deliver contraceptives. Vaginal applicators are disposable and has a prefilled reservoir sealed with removable membrane and a distributor with multiple perforations to uniformly distribute the gel formulation. Vaginal applicators are designed with a special focus on their safe use, the design enhance the compliance and increases the patient adherence to the therapy. Factors driving the vaginal applicators market include ease of use, safe use, efficacy and functional attract. Vaginal applicators can also be used to deliver tablets. Furthermore, increase in the awareness of vaginal care and initiatives taken by the government and manufacturers are projected to drive the vaginal applicators market. Social media has also played a vital role in bringing awareness about female hygiene that drives the demand for vaginal applicators. Increase in the disposable incomes of the middles class population in the developing countries of Asia Pacific has led to increase in the purchase power in the region. Moreover, the increase in disposable income of consumers has led to increase in the premium products. Vaginal applicators used for low energy radiation treatment is expected to rise due to the increasing number of vaginal infections. The rising vaginal infections and diseases is the major factor driving the demand for vaginal applicators during the forecast period.

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Global Vaginal Applicators Market: Segmentation

The global vaginal applicators market is segmented on the basis of product type into:

The global vaginal applicators market is segmented on the basis of capacity into:

1 gm
2 gm
3 gm
4 gm
Above 4 gm
The global vaginal applicators market is segmented on the basis of application into:

Global Vaginal Applicators Market: Geographical Outlook

Developed countries such as the US and Germany have observed a significant progress in the medical industry owing to the growing population and increasing vaginal infections among females aging between 25-40. The rise in the disposable income of the middle class population indirectly drives the growth for vaginal applicators. Initiatives taken by the government to spread the awareness about vaginal care drives the market for vaginal applicators in developing countries. Developing pharmaceutical industry in countries like India and China is expected to propel the vaginal applicators market during the forecast period. Spain, Italy, France, Germany and the U.K. are the leading players in the Europe vaginal applicators market. Moreover, the GCC countries and North Africa are anticipated to witness a medium to high growth in the vaginal applicators market during the forecast period due to increasing awareness of the female hygiene.

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Global Vaginal Applicators Market: Key Manufacturers

Beyon devices
Union Plastic S.A
HTI Plastics
Ningbo Suncity