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When Dreams Come: Ground-Breaking New Novel, Based on the True Story, Exposes Stealth Jihad Operating Inside U.S.

Written by Carmen Perez, ‘When Dreams Come: The Rise and Fall of a Nation’ is as much a warning to America as it is a compelling novel. Following the trail of Ellie Blackheart, a wild and tireless adventurer, readers are empowered to question the practices of the U.S. Government and demand they uphold their Constitutional right to freedom.


Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 09/03/2013 -- While most books about Government, religious and societal wrongdoing are a figment of the author’s imagination, Carmen Perez has lived through and become entwined in every experience her book depicts. In fact, ‘When Dreams Come: The Rise and Fall of a Nation’ serves a bold and honest real-world warning about America’s possible future.

In a unique fusion of fact and fiction, the first book of ‘The Ellie Blackheart Series’ is poised to turn heads from coast to coast and leave readers questioning their own beliefs and motivations.

Above all, the book draws vital attention to the stealth Jihad operating within the United States; undermining America’s efforts to preserve the Constitution they are sworn to uphold.


Based on a true story: Ellie Blackheart is a wild adventurer whether awake or asleep, with a heavy heart for America’s wounded warriors. Her dreams about an international terrorist movement in the United States turn to reality when, through power from God, she collaborates with the FBI's Joint-Terrorism-Task Force, and discovers a terrorist network.

She joins the Army and is stationed in Hawaii where she discovers the movement is actively subverting the U.S. armed forces. When Ellie complains to the authorities, she is labeled as hyper-religious, delusional, and unfit for military service.

A medical board is initiated, she is placed in a psychiatric facility, and sent to a high-risk facility where she meets the wounded warriors and discovers the heart of God like never before.

As the author explains, her book calls into question the practices and motives of everyone from top-tier Government to individual citizens.

“As the story unfolds, it touches on the human reality by use of images in nature to convey the unfolding of the truth as an undeniable testament to the blatant disregard by America's leaders to defend the values and integrity of the US Constitution,” says Perez

Continuing, “The story is applicable to the military, the government, to trends in education, and the formulation of foreign and domestic policies.”

While hugely entertaining and insightful for its readers, Perez also hopes her exposé-style narrative will give each individual something to think about.

“This is a call for the reader to examine his or her beliefs in an era of profound change and confusion about truth and fallacy. This story should compel the reader to examine his or her own beliefs, motivations, and propel him or her to be proactive in demanding the US government to protect freedom and justice,” she adds.

With the book’s popularity expected to dramatically increase, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible.

‘When Dreams Come: The Rise and Fall of a Nation’ is scheduled to be released on November 1st 2013.

For more information, visit the author’s official website: http://ellieblackheart.com

About the Author:
The author resides in California. She holds a BA in Intelligence with a concentration on Terrorism Studies from the American Military University, and is completing a MA in National Security Studies. She spends her days practicing Muay Thai and Kickboxing when she’s not spending time with family. She also enjoys reading, studying the Bible, and writing poetry.