without breaking your budget

Announcing SBWire Plus and SBWire Pro


Announcing SBWire Plus and SBWire Pro

Over the past five years SBWire has offered many of our public relations tools and services free of charge to thousands of small businesses located all over the world. We do so because we believe that every business, regardless of the size of their budgets, should have access to quality online public relations tools.

Today we are announcing the addition of two new subscription based account levels, SBWire Plus and SBWire Pro.

SBWire Plus includes all of the benefits of our free account, now called SBWire Basic, along with many new features such as:

  • 20 SEO optimized press release listings per month
  • Featured press release placement on SBWire
  • 10% discount on press release distribution services
  • Basic press release analytics reports
  • Access to SBWire CRM v5 with advanced new features
  • SBWire Hosted, online newsroom hosting

SBWire Pro includes the benefits of SBWire Basic and SBWire Plus and also adds:

  • Unlimited SEO press release listings
  • Advanced press release analytics reports
  • 25% discount on press release distribution services

SBWire Plus will be priced at $49.95 per month or two SBWire credits, and SBWire Pro at $99.95 or four SBWire credits per month.

Two features that are currently offered free to all SBWire customers will transition to the new subscription based account levels with the launch of SBWire v5. They include SBWire CRM and SBWire Hosted (formally Hosted News Room).

Current customers of SBWire will automatically receive a free trial of SBWire Plus once SBWire v5 launches.

SBWire Plus and SBWire Pro are features of SBWire v5, which is currently in beta testing with a planned release in the first quarter of 2010. If you would like early access to SBWire v5 please join our beta team.

View the offical press release by clicking here | Compare Account Levels

If you have any questions or comments, regarding SBWire Plus and SBWire Pro, please let us know.

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