Gianlorenzo Albertini

Italian-American Actor Gianlorenzo Albertini Gets the Girl in New Local Ad Spot

LogoWhen meeting the girl of your dreams, don't get tripped up by old shoes. That's the theme of a new television spot featuring Italian-American actor Gianlorenzo Albertini, cast as the gently humorous romantic lead in the commercial for Wyatt and Dad Shoe Repair Specialists in Durham, North Carolina.

Italian Actor Gianlorenzo Albertini Calls on Middleweight Boxing Background to Create "Fight Club" Character in Upcoming Feature Film "Bloody Hands"

LogoItalian actor Gianlorenzo Albertini, cast in a supporting role, "Lin," in the upcoming feature film "Bloody Hands," relied on his boxing experience to help create his role as a fighter in an underground fight club. A former professional middleweight boxer in his native Italy, Albertini also called on his stunt training to help the audience feel each jab.

Italian Actor Gianlorenzo Albertini Cast in First Fully-Staged Production of Walter Robinson's "ONE: The Hip Hop Dance Musical"

LogoItalian actor Gianlorenzo Albertini was in the right place at the right time. A "triple threat," Albertini's acting, singing and dancing chops caught the eye of the producer of a major hip-hop opera that has been over sixteen years in the making, landing Albertini a part in the first fully-staged production of "ONE: The Hip Hop Dance Musical," by Walter Robinson, scheduled to premier in Los Angeles in the summer of 2016.

Italian Actor Gianlorenzo Albertini's Struggle with Loss Inspires Award-Winning Short Film "Immortality in Blue," an Exploration of Pablo Picasso's "Blue Period"

LogoPablo Picasso was only twenty years old when he learned of the suicide of his close friend and fellow young painter Carlos Casagemas in February of 1901. Though devastated by his friend's death, the loss inspired Picasso's first recognized "movement" as a mature artist, his "Blue Period."