Green Solutions Landscaping

Green Solutions Landscaping Releases Report Warning Homeowners About Their Newest Enemy

LogoTaking their expertise to garden lovers with a penchant for the lovely oleander plant, Green Solutions Landscaping gives sound advice in a recently published newsletter. The newsletter makes residents aware that Oleander Leaf Scorch (OLS) is on the rampage in the Scottsdale, Arizona valley. Often mistaken as the consequences of drought, the disease is only transmitted one way - by a vector. And once the bacteria is in play, death in the plant could appear within a year's time.

Owner of Green Solutions Landscaping in Scottsdale Attends Water Management Talks at the White House

LogoLinking arms with the White House, the Office of Science and Technology, NASA and USCIS, Scottsdale's own Julian Meier was recently a part of a federal intervention. Asked to join talks held in the Secretary of War Suite at the White House, the owner of Green Solutions Landscaping offered his insight on water management for a good cause. The government now expects that farming in North America will be an impossibility by the year 2100. Armed with decisive ways to create awareness, monitoring programs, and effectual networks of concerned citizens, the Arizona horticultural consultant made great strides.