Two Sides to Every Story Behind the NFL 'Take a Knee' Controversy

What’s the controversy? Is 1st Amendment being honored for the NFL

Nashville, TN -- (ReleaseWire) -- 09/04/2018 --Last year the NFL took some huge knocks concerning their choice to take a knee during the National Anthem many were outraged concerning the act however what about the intent?

Should the NFL players be allowed to "Express" their 1st amendment right to freedom of speech or expression? According to the amendment it states the following:

Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech/expression, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

So what does this mean exactly?

1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

Furthermore The First Amendment to the Constitution protects five basic freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech/expression, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to petition the government. These civil liberties are the cornerstone of our democracy.

As in most things there are two sides to the story the question is what is the perspective behind taking the knee?

Milliea Taylor McKinney, is a 'ghostwriter' in the music industry she has written songs about many subjects until now she uses her pen to explore what might have been running through the idea of the NFL Players taking a knee.

Her mindset is always looking at the positive side of the message that she writes about, and what the music brings its listeners knowing first hand the influence music has on the emotions of humanity both personally, and in set groups.

Her philosophy is that if society really understood the power behind music and how it influences us emotionally and how we respond to it we would be all the wiser to use it to heal society of all its social ailments such as hatred, and violence.

In the process of expressing her creatives she wanted to address the controversy behind the NFL 'Take A Knee' Controversy. In doing so she with the assistance of other artist Vocalist/Songwriter Jenny Trindall, and Gospel Rap Artist Brandon Stovall aka BD KOLD they took on the challenge from a positive perspective.

Understanding that there will always be "Naysayers " who want to undermine, and dispute the positive in matters that might create the controversy.

But as a reminder we all need to keep an open mind about others, and their opinions. For many years now we are reminded of all the once 'unaccepted' acts that are now 'accepted' in today's society.

So we caution readers, and viewers to consider the facts before voicing their own opinions all we as a nation, and society are expected to do is be objective, and open to the views of the positive opinions of others.

We need to always seek out the positive before embracing the negative which separates, and divides us as a humanity.

When we we look to the positive attributes before reaching for the negative we find as an end result we all are human, and are different in our special unique makeup and design.

As for the NFL Players there will always be an 'ego' involved in their actions outside of the field this is something those leaders in the public eye struggle with.

Just as there is in humanity as a whole it's part of the learning experience of being human, and having used poor judgement.

No one will ever argue that NFL Players along with Musicians/Artist and those who serve as leaders and represent as role models have more influence on the public especially our youth, and play a more important role with a huge responsibility than those in the public eye as they do.

The message behind the song, and the video are not to agree or disagree but to keep an open mind, and write from a positive lens.

Everyone needs to understand we all have the right to express ourselves, and our point of view, and regardless of right or, wrong we as a society need to respect those views.

We can not pick, and choose we either have those rights (amendment rights) or, we don't, and as we look around to see the wrongs that have been accepted as rights we then must honor the rights that have been made wrongs!!!

Simply put American Football, is an entertainment, and past time we have embraced for decades.

Showing respect to the flag rather on a knee, or standing, or in any other position is up to the individual in their free will to exercise the God given right as an American citizen.

Furthermore, we as a society need to focus more on the positive, and stop the madness in embracing the negative.

The song salutes the NFL and their heart for their Country however they deem it appropriate to show respect to the flag to the country and to their fans.

When it all comes down to it we are, or should be on the same team as Americans who love their country, and what it represents to us that have freedoms to enjoy a cold beer and a great football game!!!

Keeping in mind we don't have to agree but accept the amendment provides those freedoms for all and not just some.

As the 2018-2019 season gets off let us embrace our favorite teams with honor and pride knowing their hearts bleed with us RED WHITE and BLUE regardless of how they choose to express remembering diversity is what we as a FREE Country was founded on!

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Melissa Marcus
Music news Now

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