Can Stock Photo Hits 5 Million Stock Photos

Stock photo company Can Stock Photo has reached the 5 million photo mark; averaging an astonishing pace of 50k+ stock photos added weekly.

Halifax, Nova Scotia -- (ReleaseWire) -- 09/01/2011 --Can Stock Photo Inc. has announced that its independent library of microstock images has surpassed the 5 million milestone, reaffirming the company as one of the world’s largest independent stock photography & footage collections.

Founded in 2004, the stock photography company has seen rapid library growth in the past year, largely attributed to steadily increasing contributor earnings and a file submission process that is widely regarded as one of the fastest and most efficient in the industry. This has enabled the company to add over 2 million new stock images and clips in the past twelve months.

The reality of having over 5 million independent images in Can Stock Photo’s library is something that few other agencies in the world can lay claim to. While many competing companies share and distribute their content to one another to increase their advertised library count, Can Stock Photo’s collection is independent of such sharing & licensing agreements.

“Every file on our site was submitted specifically to us, inspected by our staff, and is maintained directly by us. We don’t license outside files. Our approach is increasingly rare among our competitors, and provides us with the notable advantage of being able to provide much greater accountability to our customers. Our customers know exactly where our files came from, and know that they all meet our high independent submission standards.” – Duncan Enman, general manager

The news of htting the 5 million image mark comes shortly after another major announcement by the company last month, who launched a new version of it’s online website, featuring a sophisticated new search engine that is billed as one of the fastest in the industry. By combining their new site, search engine, and large library, Can Stock Photo aims to provide one of the biggest independent stock photography collections with one of the fastest stock photo search engines.

Media Relations Contact

Brian Grow
Can Stock Photo

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